No time to fuss with lunch?

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Do you make hasty, not-so-healthy food choices on the run because your stomach is desperate?

While eating can sometimes get in the way of your day, poor eating habits and the loss of energy from skipping meals will catch up with you.

For health-conscious workers in a hurry, try these mini-meals, ready in 2-3 minutes:

  • Shrimp or salmon with sliced cucumber and tomato on whole-grain bread spread with fat-free cream cheese.

  • Turkey, avocado slices and lettuce leaves rolled up in a flour tortilla or brown bread.

  • Cottage cheese or yogurt toped with granola and sliced fruit

  • Sliced boiled egg, bell pepper and onion rings on salad greens drizzled with low-fat dressing.

  • Chicken strips topped with a slice of low-fat cheese on an English muffin microwaved until cheese melts.

  • Peanut butter shake made with 1 cup non-fat milk, a frozen banana and 1 tbsp peanut butter, blended until smooth.

  • Pinto beans topped with low-fat cheese on a whole-wheat tortilla (Pita bread)

  • Tuna chunks, kidney beans and cucumber on spinach leaves.

  • 2 tbsp. humus in a half pita pocket stuffed with veggies.

Plan one week of easy mini-menus for lunch that require no cooking (except for an occasional microwave).  Make sure you have the ingredients on hand.  This easy step can save you from heading for the vending machine when hunger strikes at Lunch time.

Healthy Eating Have Fun!

Author: Asha Pereira- USA

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