Home Agency News 15-year-old boy abducted in Greater Noida found dead in Bulandshahr

15-year-old boy abducted in Greater Noida found dead in Bulandshahr

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15-year-old boy abducted in Greater Noida found dead in Bulandshahr
Greater Noida: The body of a 15-year-old boy who was abducted by car-borne kidnappers four days ago, was found in Uttar Pradesh’s Bulandshahr, said police on Sunday, adding that they have initiated a manhunt to nab the culprits.

On May 1 afternoon, the son of a restaurant owner was kidnapped in the Aichhar area of Greater Noida.

As per CCTV footage, some people were seen forcibly taking him in a car.

“During the kidnapping, a woman covered the teenager, Kunal, from one side while two other individuals pushed him into the car from the other side. This incident occurred in the jurisdiction of Beta 2 Police Station,” said a senior police official.

The official said that section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code has been added to the FIR.

“Further, teams have been formed to trace and nab the accused. We are also scanning CCTV cameras to narrow down the culprits,” the official added.


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