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Activist Arjun M stages a SOLO Silent Protest on behalf of 5 Lakh Citizens against City’s Bad Roads

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Activist Arjun M stages a SOLO Silent Protest on behalf of 5 Lakh Citizens against City’s Bad Roads

Social Activist Arjun Mascarenhas, one of the Founder member of MCC Civic Group stages a SOLO Silent Protest on behalf of 5 Lakh Citizens against City’s Bad Roads, in order to get JUSTICE to the tax payers of the so called ‘Smart City’?

Mangaluru : Our so called Coastal City and Education Hub, would have been much more better-ONLY if at least 25% of the population of nearly 5 lakhs citizens of Mangaluru would have raised their voices against the civic issues of Mangaluru, including dilapidated roads; and also that the reporters of a bunch of electronic and print media would have highlighted the City’s civic issues constantly in their websites or print publications, other then Team Mangalorean of Mangalorean.co, we wouldn’t have seen such civic issues arising every now and then-Of well, there is no point inn crying over spilled milk as they say- but Yours Truly of Team Mangalorean would like to compliment Arjun Mascarenhas for his bold and straight forward effort, in staging a SOLO silent protest against the pathetic condition of the city roads, which have put the commuters and motorists in hardship.

From 10 am until 3 pm on a treacherous Saturday, 12 October, Social activist Arjun Mascarenhas, a founder member of MCC Civic Group- a NGO which fights for the cause of the citizens on their civic issues, had taken a bold step on behalf of the 5 plus lakhs citizens of Mangaluru, pertaining to the potholes and dilapidated roads of Mangaluru. It may sound funny to many, as to what difference can a single young man could bring a solution or results to the current issue by staging a solo silent protest- but that’s not the point- at least Arjun had the guts to stand out to point out the laziness and carelessness of the concerned officials of the National Highways Authorities of India (NHAI) and Mangaluru City Corporation, where they have turned a blind eye towards the bad condition of the City and NH roads.

Prior to today’s silent protest, members of MCC Civic group, including Arjun as part of it, along with frustrated citizens of Mangaluru had also staged a silent protest in front of MCC building on the same issue of potholed and dilapidated city roads. But today’s unique initiative by Arjun in staging a silent protest on behalf of the lakhs of people of Mangaluru needs to be appreciated- whether the officials of NHAI or MCC give damn to his idea is a different question, but at least Arjun stood out alone and put all these irresponsible govt servants in shame for their negligence towards the pathetic condition of the City roads, which has been a on going issue since years.

This year is not the only time that our City faces all these potholed and bad conditioned road- but it has been a routine since years- and the funny part is that every year we see the same roads get damaged badly during the monsoon time, for example- Nanthoor Circle, Hampankatta junction, Bunder road, Kulshekar road, Bendore circle, Kankanady pumpwell, and many others. But unfortunately, the concerned authorities have shown a blind eye towards this situation. Even though various other organizations had raised their voices on the same issue, the outcome of their efforts are zero. But not adhering to any negative talk and comments by many, Arjun Mascarenhas had alone stood bold and highlighted the civic issue on bad roads once again, single handed. Kudos, my fiend!

If you look at the present condition of roads post monsoon, they are totally pathetic and dilapidated- and motorists, especially two-wheeler riders have been facing a tough time navigating on these roads- and many have involved in accidents, resulting in minor or severe injuries- and could be death too! Just recently a young girl in disguise of a astronaut highlighted a terrible potholed road near Central market- and her unique idea received high praise from all quarters.

Arjun Mascarenhas speaking to Team Mangalorean said, “My intention of doing this silent protest is not for publicity, but to awaken the concerned people in the NHAI and MCC to straighten their act, and get into action in rectifying the dilapidated and potholed roads in various parts of the City. My participation and of others in the silent protest held few day ago in front of MCC building, and even though two memorandums on the same issue was submitted to MCC Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner, no positive action had been taken. We didn’t wanted to stop here, and to continue our fight in this regard, I decided to stage this silent protest single handed, hoping that it would bring some positive results. It’s about time that government should interfere when the NHAI and MCC officials don’t take action, so that such civic issues arise every year”

Now talk about quick response by the NHAI crew- as soon as they found out that a single person through his initiative of silent protest has put them in shame for their negligence in taking care of the roads, they had arranged a truck load full of loose jelly stones, to do the patch work of the dilapidated Nanthoor junction road. But putting some loose stuff to cover the potholes stretch near Nanthoor circle and not according to proper standards in order to fool the public is not a good idea, because it will be a temporary solution.

To mention a few compliments that Arjun received for his uniqueness and initiative are- “Arjun’s solo protest proves that even one individual possesses the capacity in order to take on the establishment”; “A single citizen has come forward boldly to find a solution to bad roads of Mangaluru, why not the rest of us join in Arjun’s wagon for better results”; “Leadership of Arjun in this respect is commendable, and we need to compliment for him for his inspiration”; and a bunch more.

Yes, the roads are bad out there- and our friend and social activist had taken the bold and right step to highlight the issue in order to solve the issue. But with our not so smart officials, either of NHAI or MCC by laying the potholed road with loose jelly stones not properly mixed with cement, will create create more safety hazard, especially for the two-wheeler riders, who’ll skid while moving on this gravel road-like a couple of two-wheeler riders skid after NHAI dumped some loose jelly soil near Nanthoor circle. Is this what you call a Smart idea of the so called Smart city? Our present roads look like dirt tracks, fit for dirt track racing, and definitely not for smooth drive or ride. Bunch of our City roads are in SHAMBLES, PATHETIC, very DISGRACEFUL, and totally DISASTROUS?

How can a city which boasts about its cleanliness standards among other cities in India, and also about its Smart City status, can neglect city roads used by all sorts of citizens and motorists. Even the pedestrians are having a hard time walking on the potholed and water filled road, since the footpaths are dangerous to walk. Throwing some loose stuff in a hole and just hoping the traffic driving over it will fix it, didn’t serve the purpose. Instead of fixing the bad roads first, our MCC officials are busy resurfacing inner-lanes with brand new interlock bricks. But when it comes to fixing the bad roads they are slow and careless.

How can we ever call this City a SMART CITY, when we see a bunch of dilapidated and potholed roads existing at every nook and corner- and our Hard Working and Dedicated MCC Officials and Engineers are enjoying their days working hours in the comfort of their Air Conditioned cabins. Bah humbug! Driving on Mangaluru streets, and for that matter, even on outskirts of the City, is like an obstacle course. Arjun Mascarenhas needs to be complimented of his single power of boldness and courage, in staging a silent protest in the hot sun for nearly 5 hours. Even though his efforts may not get quick action in this regard, but his fight and sacrifice for a good cause should be appreciated.

Arjun did his part! So while waiting for these roads to be restored for a smooth ride, just brace yourself because it’s once again pothole season in Mangaluru. Until then bear with the potholes or curse someone at the MCC or NHAI— and still keep driving or riding safe. A job well done by our young and energetic social activist and representative of MCC Civic Group for alerting the MCC/NHAI officials about the pathetic condition of our city potholed roads. Bravo Arjun!

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