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An Accident I Will Never Forget

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“Accidents happen they are not caused”.  But we can take precautionary measures to avoid accidents. This is an incident about a girl who had an electric shock at the age of 11. God gave her another lease in life and this incident made her more responsible person.  We may also have experienced these type of incidents in our life and it helps others a lot if we share such incidents with our readers.

A few years back, my  brother- in- law and sister gave us a surprise visit on a Friday afternoon. Friday being a holiday for us in this part of the world we were taking our afternoon nap. We woke up  when the door bell rang and welcomed them.  That day I volunteered to prepare a cup of tea for them.  I filled the electric kettle with water and left it there for boiling.  After sometime I entered the kitchen still in a sleepy mood and did not really know what went wrong.  My nieces were just behind me inside the kitchen, and  I  don’t know exactly what I did because I was still in a sleepy mood.   By mistake the kettle slipped out of my hand and fell on the ground. The hard plastic kettle broke into two  and the hot water started flowing.  I remember taking care of my nieces, by  pushing them behind me in order to save them from the boiling water, in turn I think I was a little bit nervous and slipped and fell on the water itself and sustained minor burns and sprain.  God saved me that day, but it was a lesson for me to learn.  It made me more intelligent and to apply my mind in everything I do. 

Here?s another similar  incident that took place. Erosha Kumari says that this incident happened in her life at the age of 11. This is what she has to say:

Erosha Kumari

“As a young girl I was very playful.  But my playfulness one day nearly cost me my life.  Even today, thinking about the incident gives me the creeps,” says Erosha kumari, a receptionist at The Club, Abudhabi.

I was just 11 at the time and remember we had some visitors at home, and my mum told me to boil some water. We had a coil heater with a plastic handle.  All I had to do was switch on the heater, place it in a container full of water, and switch it off after 10-15 minutes. But being young and playful, I went out to play with my younger brother. After sometime I rememberd the water and the coil  in the kitchen.

Having  realized my mother?s temper before I raced into the kitchen to put it off.  But the first thing that struck me was an acrid stench.  I then saw the melted heater handle.  Then it was reflex action, I grabbed the heater handle before switching it off, and tried to prevent it from falling into the water- and whoosh.!!  I was flung off the ground a couple of meters high.

When I regained consciousness I was on the hospital bed.  I didn’t realize earlier that the exposed metal bar of the heater would create a problem.  Being bare foot, I received a strong electric shock.  I was diagnosed as having suffered a ventricular fibrillation(a condition in which the heart’s electrical activity becomes disordered and pumps little or no blood). 

Thank God I escaped with just a burnt hand and a recurring headache for a few years after the incident.  “Looking on the brighter  side, I think this incident  made me a more responsible person.”

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Team Mangalorean

Author: Claude Fernandes- Abudhabi

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