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Assault on 3 Transgenders in Mumbai, Parivarthan Members Raise Their Voices during Protest

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Assault on 3 Transgenders in Mumbai, Parivarthan Members Raise Their Voices during Protest

Mangaluru: Recalling the incident that took place in Mumbai on 27 October where three transgenders were beaten up- it is learnt that the attack took place at Indira Market in Bhayander West at 12:30 pm, when Malwani residents Rupa Shaikh (25), Jannat Shaikh (22) and Angel Shaikh (22) were making rounds of hotels asking for money for Diwali. The police said that the mob attacked the transgenders with iron rods and bamboo sticks. Three transgenders, who were collecting money from hotels, were attacked by 10-15 people in Bhayander.

Rupa said that a woman working at a hotel gave them Rs 11. “When we said that there were three of us and requested the women to give us a little more money, she began to abuse us,” said Rupa, in her complaint to the police. She added that the woman and Angel got into a heated argument. Her friends managed to break up the argument and take Angel away. However, the woman allegedly rounded up a few colleagues working at the hotel and accosted the transgenders a few minutes later. The police said that the mob attacked the transgenders with iron rods and bamboo sticks, causing them to suffer deep cuts to the head and face.

After the mob dispersed, the friends managed to reach the municipal hospital where they were treated for their injuries. Later, they registered a complaint at the  Bhayander police station. A case was filed against unknown persons for causing hurt and attacking the transgenders with dangerous weapons. “We have identified one of the attackers and arrested her. The other members of the mob are unidentified so far,” said Atul Kulkarni, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Bhayander Division.

Condemning the assault on these three Transgenders in Mumbai, the local transgenders belonging to Parivarthan Charitable Trust-Mangaluru protested in large numbers in front of the DC’s office. Raising slogans as loud as they can, the transgenders conveyed as message to the people that they should not be treated in a inhumane way, rather treat and respect them just like others.

Sanjanna Chalwadi, the Secretary of Parivarthan Trust speaking at the protest said, “When I was sexually abused and stripped during the month of June, no one came to my rescue, nor any action was taken. If someone else was humiliated the same way as I was, there would have been outrage in various communities. But why are we ignored and neglected. Aren’t we also Indians, then why all this discrimination. The assault on three transgenders in Mumbai is very much condemned by us, such kind of brutal attack on transgenders should not happen in future”

“While violence against women in India has gained national attention – but when it comes to violence on the transgender community, it seems like crimes against us stay largely hidden in the shadows. India sees a furore every time there’s a rape case, but not for us, transgenders. When a transgender woman gets raped in this country, cops first mock her, saying she doesn’t have the organs to be sexually assaulted; and what follows is a barrage of injustices – perhaps greater than the first one. Even though the Supreme Court has  passed a law recently favoring us, despite this, sexual abuse against transgender men and women remains largely ignored. Unlike crimes against men, women and children, the Indian government does not publish annual statistics about crimes against transgender people. Even when it comes to transgender women, law hardly comes to the rescue. What use are books of statutes when they are not implemented? We asking for justice and the people behind the assault on the three transgenders in Mumbai should be arrested and brought to task” added Sanjanna.

Ramya Gowda-Vice President of the Trust speaking said, “The Indian constitution does not discriminate, but its keepers certainly do. Of the transgender people registered with us, many of them have been abused or encountered serious sexual violence. Only a few were successful in getting official complaints registered with the police. Most of them were deterred with the same question: you’re neither male nor female; how can you be raped? We are also harassed by the cops when we lodge complaints. So how are we suppose to live in this society. Our only source of support is Parivarthan Charitable Trust, where we have raised our voice freely, after becoming the members. Many transgender people are reluctant to report crimes against them to police. Sexual violence at the hands of state agencies is rampant against the transgender community. Refusal by officials to register sexual assault complaints often forces transgender victims to suffer in silence. We will not stop our fight for our rights, and will also seek justice in the Mumbai incident, and ask that the culprits be punished severely”

Sandhya Rani, a member of Parivarthan Trust said, “Transgenders are often mocked and bullied by everyone, and the discrimination extends to their professional lives, where they are largely deprived of employment opportunities. The rampant sexual violence and relaxed legislation further their tragedies. I do believe there is a need to strengthen the laws to protect our community. But more importantly, I believe Indian society needs to be sensitized so they stop looking at us as outsiders. All these beatings, murders and sexual assaults are because transgender people are looked at as the disease of the Indian society. If this perception persists, no legal dogmas – strong or weak – can protect the community. We strongly condemn the assault on our friends in Mumbai, and ask to bring their perpetrators to justice “. Priya S, yet another member of the Trust also spoke and begged the law enforcement authorities to protect them, and also arrest those responsible for attack on the 3 transgenders and punish them.

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