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Bengaluru: Yuvraja of Mysore Yaduveer Wadiyar attends Graduation day of Canadian International School

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Bengaluru: The graduating students “Class of 2015” of Canadian International School (CIS) Bangalore were given a fond farewell at the valedictory ceremony in a grand way. The event was full of nostalgia & memories and also one of looking ahead. The event began with a ceremonial procession with students clad in graduation gowns and caps. The opening speech was given by Mr. Shane Kells, Head of School. The lighting of the lamp was done by The Yuvraja of Mysore, Shri. Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiyar, an alumnus of Canadian International School.

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Students were beaming with pride as they were congratulated by all who graced the occasion. Parents were also present to encourage their wards and witness the grand event. The school presented various awards to the talented students in recognition of their consistent, exceptional academic achievement over the entire programme. Students also shared their experiences and paid tributes to their mentors.

This year, the graduating students for CIS have been admitted to top Universities like the University of Edinburgh, Nottingham, Exeter, East Anglia in the UK, U of Toronto, McGill, Waterloo, Alberta, U of British Columbia etc in Canada, Mount Holyoke, Drexel, Penn State, Virginia Tech, University f Rochester, Northeastern in the USA, Melbourne, Monash, ANU etc in Australia, Delft in the Netherlands etc. The students have received overall scholarship worth around 4,84,09,625 INR this year.

“It gives me great pleasure to return to the school where I began my academic tryst. My years at CIS were fundamental in shaping the course of my future academic pursuits. Today as you all step closer to realizing your inspirations and dreams, I wish you luck and success for all your future endeavors. My heartiest congratulations to all the achievers and I hope your time at CIS has given you the belief that you can achieve all that you put your mind to” said Mysore’s New Maharaja, Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiyar, an alumnus of Canadian International School.

Speaking on the occasion, Ms Shweta Sastri, Executive Director, Canadian International School advised students to have faith in themselves and they will reach the pinnacle of success. She also stressed upon adhering to the school’s motto and the importance of discipline in one’s life. She exhorted the students to put their best foot forward in the new world they will face now. We believe that Graduation is not the end but a new beginning of an amazing journey” she added.

The Guest Speaker for the event Mr. Ajay Goel, Managing Partner, Crestlight Venture Productions LLC also addressed the graduating class of 2015. He asked the students to strive for excellence in their chosen career & carry the values inculcated at the school during their tenure.

“We are sure that our students will excel in any field that they choose. They are truly global citizens. We at CIS share a sense of great pride with our graduates who walk ahead in life to study at top Colleges & Universities across the globe. We wish them all the best for their bright future” said, Mr. Shane Kells, Head of School.




“Graduation is at a time of rejoicing and celebration. Unfortunately, it is also the time to say goodbye. The Class of 2015 has been an amazing group of students. In the years that they have been at this school, they have grown not only academically but also into wonderful young people, ready to take the world by storm. For them, “THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING”! I wish them all the best” said Ms. Geetha Swamy – Guidance Counselor.

“I can’t believe how two years in CIS have gone by that quick. CIS has given me several opportunities and has helped me shape to the person I am today. As the Valedictorian, I would like to thank all my teachers and peers for sticking together in my best and worst moments. I am truly going to miss this place more than I willingly would admit. I wish the class of 2015 all the best for their future endeavors”, said Sharad Suresh Kiswani, Valedictorian of the Class of 2015.

“As CIS is a “culturally rich mosaic”, being in the international ambience with teachers and friends from so many different cultures taught me more life lessons than any book would have. Whether we fared well or not in the IB, we all have become better and wiser people” said Aymen Hasan, Class of 2015.

“This day was very special for my children as they take back with them a whole new experience, new friendships and much more. I would like to thank all the teachers in their selfless endeavour in moulding our children and enabling them to find a path in this competitive world. I am overwhelmed with emotions. I wish all the graduating students luck as they climb another step in the ladder of life” said Mrs. Anuradha Suverna, CIS Parent.

It was a grand and colourful event that would remain etched in the memories of all the graduating students.

About Canadian International School

CIS is a culturally-rich mosaic serving each student by providing a world-class international education, nurturing potential, developing life-long skills, and preparing students for an ever-changing global community. CIS has continued to deliver a very high standard of education with an array of subject choices and activities tailored to students’ interests, allied with a very high level of care in a warm, friendly and non-threatening environment. It follows three internationally recognized curricula – IB (Grades 11 & 12), IGCSE (Grades 6 -10), North American – Ontario (JK to Grade 5), and employs a majority of foreign trained and experienced teachers.

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