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City’s Top Docs Sweep Streets as part of IMA/AMC ‘Swachh Bharath’ & World Health Day

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City’s Top Docs Sweep Streets as part of IMA/AMC ‘Swachh Bharath’ & World Health Day

Mangaluru: Could be the FIRST time a bunch of City’s top doctors might have held a broom in their hands and swept the streets/floor-but that sounds okay for a good cause. Being a lazy Sunday, while most of the citizens were still hugging their pillows or snoring in their respective beds fast asleep, but we need to command a large group of doctors, students and like-minded persons gathered near Mallikatta Circle, Kadri-, Mangaluru to participate in the Swachh Bharath Campaign organized by Indian Medical Association (IMA) and Association of Medical Consultants (AMC), in collaboration with RKM, a NGO in Mangaluru, who have been part of Swachh Mangaluru Campaign for the last five years.

Clad in dark blue T-shirt which read IMA Mangaluru-Swachh Bharath” in front, and a saying on Swachh Bharath in Hindi on the back, a bunch of top doctors belonging to IMA, to name a few- Dr Bhasker Shetty- Chairman/Director of City Hospital; Dr Shantharam Shetty- Chairman of Tejasvini Hospital, Dr Prashanth Marla- Medical Director of AJ Hospital, Dr Sachidanand Rai- president of IMA, among many others got into action, holding the brooms and sweeping the dirty areas in and around Mallikatta junction, following the flag off of the Sunday Clean-Up Campaign by Dr Bhasker Shetty and Dr Shantharam Shetty.

Just like every year, World Health Day 2019 was observed worldwide today, 7th of April, and on a Sunday, a perfect day of the weekend for outdoor activity. This day with the WHD theme ‘Universal Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere’ was dedicated to spreading awareness about equal health care facilities worldwide, the importance of health and wellness, and to kill all the myths around health. Health is the most essential aspect of our lives, and in fact, our existence depends on our health and well-being. Therefore, World health day is an initiative started by the World Health Organization to generate awareness about access to good health for everyone.

World Health Day also marks WHO’s founding and is seen as an opportunity to induce worldwide attention to global health each year. The History of World Health Day dates back to the year 1948 when the World Health Assembly was held for the first time in Geneva by the WHO, and it was decided that World Health Day will be celebrated annually on April 7, every year. WHO believes that progress is being made in countries in all regions of the world, BUT millions of people still have no access at all to health care.

Millions more are forced to choose between health care and other daily expenses such as food, clothing and even a home. World Health Day is a chance to celebrate health and remind world leaders that everyone should be able to access the health care they need, when and where they need it. India’s work towards health coverage for all includes in focusing towards the affordability and accessibility of proper health care with the introduction of Ayushman Bharat. This scheme has been introduced to provide a family cover of Rs. 5 lac to socio-economically weaker section.

Prior to the Clean-Up programme held this morning (Sunday), yesterday ( Saturday, 6 April) the ‘Mega Health Expo’ to mark ‘World Health Day’ was inaugurated by Police Commissioner Sandeep Patil, organized by Indian Medical Association & Association of Medical Consultants (AMC) Trust at Kadri Park, Mangaluru at 10.30 am, which continued till Sunday, 7 April. On these two days, programmes like Poster competition for school and college students; Health education plays and skits on April 6th were held. On 6 April at 6.30 pm a formal programme was held at the Kadri Park stage, where skit and mime acts were performed. The chief guest for the evening was Swami Jitakamanandaji, President of Ramakrishna Math, Mangaluru.

After inaugurating the programme by lighting the traditional lamp, in his address to the audience, Swami Jitakamanandaji said, “It is indeed a kind gesture of IMA and AMC to organize this two-day Mega Health Expo which will benefit many. As they say Health is Wealth, it is advisable that we need to take good care of our health, in order to live longer. While our seems like a Medical hub with many hospitals/medical colleges, nursing homes, but there is a lack of health coverage and benefits to the needy patients. And programmes like these will bring awareness in this regard, and we need to compliment Dr Sachidanand, the president of IMA for his initiative, and his IMA team for organizing this Expo as part of World Health Day”.

“It’s sad to note the present children lack in exercise because during our younger days, I used to walk 12 kms to and fro from school, but these days even if their school is 1 or 2 km away, they wait for their school bus to pick them up. Walking is the best exercise, and many seniors are quite healthy since they walked during their younger days, like me. While IMA/AMC has done a great job in organizing this Expo in the City, they also need to plan one in rural areas also, so that the villagers also benefit. And while Ramakrishna Mission has been involved in the Swachh Mangaluru, Bharath Abhiyan, we need support and cooperation from the public to keep our nation and our city clean and green” added Swami.

During the programme, a skit by Unity Health Hospital students/staff on Dengue, a mime show by A J Hospital Marketing dept on an Organ Donation, and one more skit by MSW students of Roshini Nilaya on a topic related to health care was performed, which brought awareness among the audience. Padma from Jeeva Sarthakathe, a body appointed to oversee the implementation of the Transplantation of Human Organs Act of 1994 by Karnataka Govt, gave a brief description on Organ donation. The vote of thanks was proposed by compere of the evening Dr Sudhindra Rao (Hon. Secretary-IMA) and Dr Vinay Kumar (Treasurer-IMA) briefed the audience about World Health Day and IMA.

Since the Mega Health Expo is open until 8 pm today, Sunday 7 April, those who missed yesterday can visit the Expo at Kadri Park, and after getting relevant information on health care, then you can feed yourself on chats by Big Mishra shop, and herbal juices by Brindavan. Eat Healthily, and Stay Healthy on World Health Day!

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