Home Articles Decorative Wax and Gel Candles

Decorative Wax and Gel Candles

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Candle making is time consuming but the results turn out to be very satisfying and beautiful.  You can make candles out of paraffin wax or gel wax.  I have made an assortment of them here.  With a little bit of imagination and effort you can make beautiful candles to place around your home.  Just make sure the temperature of the room is not too hot where the candles are placed.

Material Needed

Electric Hot Plate
Teflon Saucepan (Jug Shaped preferably)
Wax colours or Oil Pastels
Paraffin Wax
Gel wax
Glasses of various shapes
Aluminium Trays covered with Aluminium Foil
Perfumed oils
Candle Wick thread (Thick)


Coffee Beans/Plastic Fishes/Shells/Pebbles/Coloured stones (you can choose the accessories according to your taste).

Milk Shake Candle(L); Fish Tank Candle(R)


Melt the Paraffin wax on Heater Mark 1. Never let the wax boil.  When it melts completely, switch off the heater and add the desired colour. 

Place the wick thread (one and a half times the length of the height of the mould) in the mould and then pour  the hot molten wax into the mould.  While pouring into a glass take care that the wax is not boiling hot.

For Flowers and leaves

Add the desired colour to the wax and then pour it into a greased aluminium tray. (I made a tray out of aluminium foil. I did not use a tray) It will solidify as it cools. While it is in the semi-molten stage place the metal cutters of leaves and petals and make depressions when it cools.  Cut off the shapes slowly.

 If you do not possess the cutters, you can carve shapes with the help of a Butter Knife, just as I did.  For a transparent appearance like The Fish Tank, use Gel wax and a tiny drop of colour. Pour the wax gently to avoid air bubbles.

For the froth

Beat the molten paraffin wax while it?s being heated, Beat it well till you get a froth. Take a spoonful of the froth and pour it on the area wherever required.

Author: Jaya Ramesh- Oman

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