Home Articles Do You Have These Safety Items at Home?

Do You Have These Safety Items at Home?

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1. Fire extinguishers: of the BC or ABC type should be handy in the kitchen, garage and other key areas.

2. Smoke alarms: are life savers that belong in every key area.

3. Ground circuit interrupters: are for those times you forget that appliances and water don?t mix.

4. Carbon monoxide: detectors are a small expense to protect against this colorless, odorless, tasteless poison.

5. A first aid kit: and guide may ensure you take proper action if injuries occur.

6. A sturdy one-step stoop: may discourage acrobatics in your home that can land you in the emergency room,

7. Child-resistance locks will keep curious little hands out of trouble,

8. No-slip bath mats: grab bars and handrails can prevent unplanned gymnastics.

9. Cord shorteners: can keep window blind, phone and electrical lines safe from children and pets.

10. Flashlights:  will guide you in a power outage or severe weather.

11. Sensor lights outdoors: can discourage intruders and light your way.

12. Deadbolt locks: that are pick-and drill-proof on a sturdy door can help secure your places.

13. A monitored security system: is smart investment, especially if you live or working in a high-crime area.

14. Disaster kit: with a 3-day supply of water and other necessities can help get you through an emergency.

Author: Dave Saldanha- USA

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