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Does Exercise Prevent Diabetes?

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Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong disease that develops when the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin or when the body tissues become resistant to insulin. In type 2 diabetes, blood sugar levels often rise gradually, taking several years to reach unsafe levels and cause symptoms. If blood sugar levels remain high for years, blood vessels and nerves throughout the body may be damaged, and you may be at increased risk for eye, heart, and kidney disease.

Type 2 diabetes is more common in people over the age of 40. However, the number of children being diagnosed with this disease is increasing. People who develop type 2 diabetes often are overweight and not physically active. Because inactivity and weight gain are prime factors leading to type 2 diabetes, exercise helps fight the disease in these ways.

Lowers Weight: Regular exercise helps people lose excess weight. Losing as little as 5-10 pounds improves proper production of the hormone insulin, which keeps blood sugar in a healthy range, preventing the high blood sugar levels that lead to diabetes.

Lowers Blood sugar: Exercise helps drive blood glucose into your cells where it is burned for energy. This improves the body?s ability to control blood sugar levels and fight diabetes. In a large study, people at high-risk for diabetes who exercised modestly and lost a little weight had a 60% reduced risk of developing the disease. The lifestyle changes were twice as effective as preventing drugs. The American Diabetes Association now recommends 30 minutes of moderate daily exercise such as walking, swimming or cycling. If you are unaccustomed to exercise, first get your provider?s OK.

Source: Personal Best

Author: Dots Rego- USA

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