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Imran Khan, present Pak Premier – Is he capable of winning this match?

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Imran Khan, present Pak Premier – Is he capable of winning this match?

The gentleman has a great animal instinct in sport, as we all know cricket. The Religion of India, Pak and all South East Asian countries. He was the one to suggest neutral umpires. He proclaimed that he will beat India in India and beat England in England….and boy he did so..!!

The great cricketer Pak ever produced. The celebrated all-rounder. He transformed Pakistan cricket into a wild force, their only goal is to win matches.

He discovered the Sultan of Swing “Waseem Akram the great”. He found the Monster of Multan” Inzamamul- Haq”. Always Imran had a problem with Indian batsmen. Pak had great fast bowlers, but Imran always had a back of his mind worry, that no specialist talented batsman like Sachin Tendulkar was born in Pakistan.

There were greats like Mushtaq Mohammed, The last ball sixer hitting, ever dependable Javed Miandad, The evergreen Zaheer Abbas, Hanif Mohammed, then the youngsters like Younis Khan, etc the list is admirable.

But in 1989 a 17-year-old Sachin took guard against Pak and showed some great batting exploits, the cricket pundits were aghast. Everyone had heard about the great little master but never seen him against action against some of the fearsome bowlers of that era like Waseem Akram, Waqar Younis and not to forget Imran the great.

Despite a bleeding nose from one of Waqar’s bouncer, Sachin stood tall. It has been said that Miandad once approached Imran to take the new ball innumerable times. But, Imran was biding time during the said test. Then, all came to know that he was waiting for Tendulkar to arrive, then only he will ask for the new ball. Such was his nervousness and later admiration for Tendlya!!

Such was his fear and jealousness of the child prodigy. He detested Sachin’s talent. Pak had no answer to that, he always wondered.

Still, Sachin scored and conquered. He became the little master and wore this mantle borrowed from another great Sunil Gavaskar.

Imran wanted to win the world cup at any cost. In 1992, He prepared a crack team. He had an imitation of the great leggie Abdul Qadir, Mushtaq Mohammed in his repertoire. The speed machines Wasim, Waqar etc. He led from the front.

He reached the semifinals due to one point each shared each by Pak and England due to rains.

New Zealand was unbeaten till semifinals. They lost to Pak. Such was Imran’s bravado.

The final was great. Waseem polished the tail in a cracking fashion. There stood Imran unbeaten with a Fifty say 71 and odd during the first innings and lifted the cup.

Such a great man entered Politics after retirement.

The world’s sports fraternity, the Pakistani citizens alike were totally taken aback. First of all, he is not a career politician. He has no experience in politics and has no administrative experience.

Then, How come a playboy designated cricketer can win peoples’ hearts in a new arena called politics that too filled with mighty stalwarts like the Zardaris, Nawaz, Shabaz Sharif, Psssssarvez Musharraf of the worlds!

So adamant and very very determined Imran had set his eyes on the Premier’s throne. But, it took him 20 years to reach the coveted seat in the Pak constitution. He had no fan following in the early ten years for his kind of politics. He had tough luck in elections as well. His Tehreek – E – insaaf did not get any Insaaf!!

His inspiration in the cricket matches on the world’s cricket grounds was phenomenal!!

But, politics is a dirty business as well. There will be a lot of backlashes on his flamboyant lifestyle. His womanizing, nightlife culture and the tag stuck on his forehead as a celebrated playboy!!

Still, unperturbed, He went and married Jemima Goldsmith, daughter of Jewish billionaire, Sir James Goldsmith. Rumours were rife Imran is seeking Zionist regime’s help. The marriage, however, did not last long.

He never had luck with his wives. He married a second time to a journalist Mrs. Reham Nayyar Khan who is a Libyan-born British Pakistani journalist, author, and filmmaker. The marriage lasted only for a year. She also had the audacity to release her autobiography just before the elections accusing Imran of all sins under the sun.

Still, He won the elections hands down. All thanks to the Pak Military and ISI. He challenged the mighty Shariffs. His election speeches were full of promises of a new Pakistan.

Of course, the architect for all the rhetoric was the Pak Military led by Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa.

Today’s Imran……..

He is very down to earth. He has the ambition to rule Pakistan forever.

He has put in a string of austerity measures and shunned the Pak premier’s palace and lives in his own house. He has auctioned the cavalcade of inexorbitantly expensive cars of the past premier Nawaz Sharif and all other expensive items were auctioned including the lesser said buffalos as well.

He is living a very simple life as Pak PM with his new wife Mrs. Bushra Maneka. His challenges are too huge for him to handle.

Imran’s Challenges

The biggest challenge, however, is the friendship and patronage of US President Donald Trump.

Trump the great has left no stone unturned to warn Pakistan that no terror export should take place in their land. The terrorists need to be wiped out. The aid of billions of dollars was stopped. Imran and Trump had a twitter war as well.

Trump is waning towards India.

China and Pak both complain. Imran also stated that they are not USA’s stooge. Whenever they like they can dictate terms to Pak.

This is a new Pak said Imran “We will not bow our head to their Dictates”.

However, the improvement of relationship between the two is highly unlikely for the time being.

India is another biggest challenge for the irrepressible Imran.

He started friendly vibes with Modi, but as the elections are around the corner, the present regime ignored him calling Imran a puppet of the Army.

Only Imran’s small success was Khartarpur Sahib’s opening for Indian pilgrims. Sidhu’s visit and support mechanics to Imran. Again, back home Sidhu was trolled, criticized and humiliated for supporting Imran.

Sidhu an ex- BJP MP and present Congress Minister crossed swords with many a BJP ministers, MPs and his CM Captain Amarinder as well.

However, Imran himself has said as elections are around the corner, he will wait for the new government to step in, then decide the peace initiatives.

The challenge is huge because India does not consider him as an independent thinker and a man who can challenge the Mighty Pak army. He is the Army’s and ISI’s favourite Poster boy, goes the word around.

This tag will prevent Imran from making any inroads with the Indian Government. The Foreign Ministry detests him and his Foreign Minister Janab Shah Mahmood Qureshi who has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth too often.

Still, Imran is optimistic. Let’s wait and see.

The third challenge is, the Pak Coffers are empty!!

The new Pak PM has to go with a begging bowl to countries like China, Saudi Arabia, UAE and other countries who will help him financially. The tirade against him and his country by US citizens as well as the Administration has borne him a lot of anguish and has led the European Union to steer clear from him.

China is generous though as it detests India’s rising popularity across the world.

Moreover, it has an axe to grind with India. The begging bowl policy needs to be rotated if he has to improve Pak’s economy.

The fourth challenge is Kashmir

It has been the bone of contention between the two neighbours and has seen three wars among them. Imran cannot make peace with India if He jumps on the Kashmir bandwagon.

He is in a fix. No Indian government is ready to discuss Kashmir with the world, leave alone Pakistan.

The homegrown terrorists like the Lashkar e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM). Also, Jamat ud dava led by Hafeez Sayeed, which is no more a terror outfit now.(Active but declared so by Pak admin/ court!!)

Pak Taliban, other Terrorist Organizations based in POK etc.

Also, the Hurriyat has no interest with Imran. They keep on bending forward and backwards and seldom have any interest in Imran’s initiatives.

Other Challenges

The new Pak premier led government is a coalition one. He does not have a single majority, unlike his Counterpart Modi.

He has domestic challenges as well for his Policy. The road map needs to be laid by him for a rejuvenated Pakistan but with permission from the Army.

He is on a hot seat right now. But, without being friendly with India might hamper his future plans!!

His foreign policy need to be perfectly drafted, Coz Modi has tom-tommed to the world in his several trips and the foreign ministry and Indian US envoys and Indian UN members have renamed Pakistan as “Terroristan”.

This is a big blow to Imran. He needs to speed up towards recovery fast but has to see that no Uri or any other Terror activities take place in the near future. This will mar his relationship with India and the world and there will be very less chances of recovery then.

Well, Imran Khan, You have won matches galore in the cricketing world. Won accolades.

This is a very tough, bouncy wicket. You are an All-rounder of International fame. Will you be able to pull this one?

Will you be able to bowl Yorkers, Bouncers, Half volleys and at times due to frustration, the dangerous Beamers on your opponents, POKs celebrated terror organizations??

Will you be able to WIN THIS MATCH?

Well, we are waiting. All the best to you in your endeavour.

About the Author






Donald D’ Silva is an Advertising Professional & Brand Strategist managing his own Digital Marketing Company in Mumbai. He writes about Current Affairs, Political Analysis, Bollywood Happenings and a variety of Social subjects.

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