Home Mangalorean News Local News Mangaluru : Tata-Sky CSRs are the ‘WORST’ People to Deal with in...

Mangaluru : Tata-Sky CSRs are the ‘WORST’ People to Deal with in Solving your TV Channels Issues

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Mangaluru: For the last few weeks I have been constantly making phone calls to Tata-Sky Customer Service department talking to Customer service Representatives (CSR)s pertaining to the signal issues, but seems like nobody cares. During the last few weeks, there has been non-availability of some channels, the quality of the picture and sound had also become bad. It is at this point, I saw a message popping up on the TV screen saying : We are upgrading our systems. In case you face any signal issues, please SMS NS to 56633 or give a missed call on 0 88998 88998 in order to schedule a site visit by our technician to rectify this. I tried doing this many times, but all in vain. I had no other option, but to call the CSR folks at the Tata-Sky call centre- which I feel was waste of my time talking to some of the rude, non-helpful, non-qualified people in the customer service field that I have ever come across.

These folks don’t even have the experience how to handle issues faced by their clients, they make you wait on the line and slowly disconnect your call-how rude that could be? Even in spite of our conversation being recorded by the call centre for quality purposes, I bet no one cares about that either. After quite a number of calls, one fine day the service technician called me and came home to fix the problem- his work was just good for a day, because after 24 hours I experienced the same signal problems. I even tipped him Rs 150 for showing up, and he even promised that if problems do arise again, to give him a call- so I dialed his number few times but no reply. Bah humbug! Here I am again without my favorite channels to watch.


So I called Tata-Sky CSR again- Thank God, this time a lady CSR was little nice- she assured me to send the technician within 24-48 hrs to fix the problem but these 48hrs never came – it’s been over 4 days. I even advised the CSR lady that if such type of poor services you are catering then I have to approach to the consumer court without any hesitation, for which she completely ignored. Oh well! I asked her to connect my call to her supervisor- I waited for nearly 10 mins to get connected to her supervisor- explaining to him the hassles and inconveniences that I have been facing for weeks, that I may have to change the DTH connection from Tata-Sky to any other service provider very shortly. He took my comments very seriously, and sent the technician within an hour. This time two technicians showed up- they fixed the problems and until now everything is fine-but you never know when the channels will give up on you again?

One thing you should know that- when you are even a minute late to recharge for the service to continue, your service will be disconnected, but mistakes can happen from Tat-Sky side without any questions. Now that I have got the channels working right, but I didn’t wanted to give up to get credit for the days I went without watching TV. Although the company had given credit for few days, but that wasn’t right according to my calculation. So I called CSR again, and tried to explain as to how many days that I had not received proper channels. But the CSR kept on arguing like I was wrong and foolish, and slowly hang up on me. But I didn’t give up- I called back three more times, talked to three different CSRs and explained to them the same problems- they were also all useless like the earlier one, who did nothing but kept quite and disconnected the call.

Many a times the CSRs blame the problems on the weather conditions, which many a times is just an excuse from them. I am quite sure, just like me, many other Tata-Sky customers have experienced the same situation. Like others who have complained, I have got no response despite trying to communicate through every channel. When I manage to get through to the call centre, I get different answers or standard excuses. There is no response to mails. I finally did get a work order number by SMS but there was no follow up and I was only told that `even people who complained before you have not had a visit from the technician’.

There is a complete disconnect between Tata Sky’s management and the people in the call centre. I sympathise with the call centre people who were honest enough to say they had no idea when it would be attended and they were overwhelmed by the number of calls. Tata Sky keeps promising a technician visit, multiple calls have been placed, random technicians call up promising a visit and then nothing happens. I am extremely frustrated and do not know how to come out of this mess. Absolutely pathetic customer service. I am surprised that this is a Tata company.

Even though I had made over dozen calls (hard to get through or you have to wait for a long time) and complaints during the last so many days and now I am fed up of talking to the customer care executives and reporting the issue again and again. The customer care representatives are now talking in a very ill-mannered way and giving fake assurances. I also registered complaints through e mail on help@tatasky.com but I did not received any reply for my email. Seems like the CSRs are giving no attention to the customer complaints.

I had high respect for TATA group till I opted TATA sky DTH which is one of the worst DTH service provider. The management of this team is good for nothing. Customer help service for the problems faced is worst. Even after complaint lodged and continuous follow ups no body is able to solve the issue. Customer care service is just for name sake / time pass. Even today I respect TATA and family for their service to the nation. But with this worst team (TATA sky) that name and fame is getting destroyed. Current customers should go for consumer court and claim for refunding subscribed amount. And if you are still not happy, switch to a different service provider. Now I feel I should have gone for a cable Service!.

(Photo for illustration only)

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9 years ago

Well said to the point- I too had the same experiences with these people in the call centre regarding my Tatasky . If they can’t settle customers problems effectively, then what good is it to have a Customer service department. Great awareness article.

9 years ago

What D’souza had experienced dealing with customer service people at Tata Sky call center, me too had gone through that ordeal for the last two weeks- and still no one has come to fix the problems. Bad and pathetic service-all I can say about Tata-Sky company reps.

CA Nitin J Shetty
9 years ago

Alfie, it is the same with other service providers too. I had the same problem with Reliance and finally discontinued their service midway and opted for Kini. Atleast we can see the person who is providing the service.

Joe D'Souza
9 years ago

What Alfie wrote about Tata Sky is 100 percent true. I lost the net work more than month and still they collected the subscription money. How many times a person has to call this outfit to get their services which are paid for. Call for service and it takes at least 10 minutes for answer. Even then answers are meaning less and spoken in such a way hard to understand what they are saying. Also they will not tell when their service men are coming for service. They will not call before coming and show up when no one is… Read more »

9 years ago

So don’t trust the TATA brand any more. I was using their cars, tea, salt, dal, gold (tanishq) and Tatasky. The bank whose ATM cards I use has a maintenance contract with a TATA company – TCBIL. They seem to collect the money from the banks but have subcontracted all the work doen the line, up to sweeping the ATM rooms. Most of the ATMs don’t work, cash loading is at the whims of the sub-contractor so most of the time “cash out”, A/Cs are not working, doors don’t close, no sweeping or cleaning. Never expected any company taking a… Read more »

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