Home Fit & Fun Entertainment Miley Cyrus’s video to screen at NYC Porn film fest

Miley Cyrus’s video to screen at NYC Porn film fest

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Los Angeles, Feb 11 (IANS) Singer Miley Cyrus, who is no stranger to showing off her skin in public, has reportedly submitted her short video titled “Tongue Tied” to the New York City Porn Film Festival that opens later this month.

The video was directed by mixed-media artist and filmmaker Quentin Jones and was played during Cyrus’s Bangerz shows, reports aceshowbiz.com.

However, the video doesn’t really qualify as pornography as it doesn’t have sex scenes. The black-and-white bondage-themed clip, however, features Cyrus striking provocative poses as she goes nearly nude.

“It’s a pop take on S&M. She’s starting to become more of a contemporary artist,” the festival’s founder Simon Leahy said of Cyrus’ video.

The Porn Film Festival is sponsored by the free video site PornHub. Cyrus’s “Tongue Tied” will be screened on the opening night Feb 27.

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