Home Mangalorean News Gulf News Riyadh: DKMO Holds Grand Annual Family Get-Together

Riyadh: DKMO Holds Grand Annual Family Get-Together

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Riyadh: The Dakshina Karnataka Muslim Okkoota (DKMO), Riyadh, conducted its annual event Family Get-together with grand success on 12th Nov 2015, at Al Rushd Resort in Riyadh. The well organized event had around 1500 attendees from all parts of Karnataka.

Basheer Thalapady with his dynamic approach started the programme by welcoming all the guests to the dais. Master Rashad bin Dawood recited the Qiraath and the programme was inaugurated by Yousuf Saqafi Baithar. It was presided by the DKMO president Abdul Azeez Bajpe. DKMO Gen. Secretary Fazulu Rahman Kolkar, the chief guest Salauddin Quraishi, DKMO Treasurer Abbas Uchil were the guests on stage.


As part of the inaugural speech, Yousuf Saqafi Baithar addressed the audience, highlighting DKMO’s charity schemes carried out since its existence. Explaining the importance of charity, he presented 3 hadiths of Islam on charity which comprise of extending helping hand to other human being specially orphans, widows and poor needy people. He also narrated the significance and reward of charity in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

Chief Guest of the event Salahuddin Quraishi described how we get shadow in Jannah in return for the charity work we do in our lives, with the narration of  an interesting evidence about the miracle of charity. Addressing the students in the audience, he gave tips on how we can help the society even without earning, by sharing the knowledge and skills with the needy people. He also insisted to all the audience to join as members of DKMO and be part of the charity activities.

General Secretary Fazulu Rahman Kolkar presented the activities and special schemes of DKMO. The special events like Islamic and general topic quiz had the audience participate with great passion. Five teams participated in the quiz: IFF, Khidma Foundation, DKSC, JF & Panorama. IFF emerged as Winners & runners up was shared by JF and DKSC.

Sports and games were conducted under the leadership of Haneef N S and Shameer Mangalore. In the Tug-of-War, IFF Riyadh emerged as winners & Mango Boys as Runners. In the Volley Ball Matches, Bantwal Friends were winners & Bankal Friends were Runners. In the Push-ups competition, Shafi Vamanjoor bagged the first prize and Muzaffar Bantwal was the Runner up.

A team from McDonalds entertained the children with some spot games and face paintings and all the participants were given lots of gifts and free coupons.

A free medical camp was conducted by Kadesiya Medical Center led by Santhosh Shetty M D (KMC). Most of the guests benefited from this camp.

In the ladies section, games for the children and ladies, Islamic quiz with some spot games were also conducted by the ladies team.

As part of DKMO Anti-Dowry Campaign, a well composed song by Shareef Nirmunje was launched, describing about the evils of dowry system in society, and melodiously explaining how to eradicate this dowry system.

Delicious food was served under the leadership of G K Shiekh Kulur, Musthaq Yermal & their team. Muzaffar Ali delivered the vote of thanks.

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