Home Fit & Fun Entertainment Russell Brand asks Price to give ultimatum to sex addict husband

Russell Brand asks Price to give ultimatum to sex addict husband

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Russell Brand asks Price to give ultimatum to sex addict husband
London, Sep 22 (IANS) Comedian Russell Brand has asked model Katie Price to tell her sex addict husband Kieran Hayler to get help or get out.

Price married Hayler,30, in January 2013 and since then their relationship has been rocked by repeated infidelities with Hayler admitting to several affairs.

Brand, who has overcome sex addiction as well as alcohol and drug abuse issues, told Price, 39, it’s time for her to get tough with her husband, reports femalefirst.co.uk.

The mother of five was left heartbroken last month when she discovered Hayler had been sleeping with their children’s nanny for a number of months, despite previously having treatment for his sex addiction.

“Kieran needs to 100 per cent surround and accept help. You need to get away and start making some changes. If addicts aren’t working towards recovery they will always return to their addiction,” Brand said on a TV show.

“He has to admit you are the other component and as a society we need to stop propping them up. If it is causing you pain, let go of yourself. As long as Katie is propping Kieran up, he won’t go get help,” Brand added.

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