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Spaghetti Squash

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A Sanskrit mystic syllable used by Hindus and Buddhists in religious rites, originally among the Hindus an exclamation of assent, like “Amen”, then an invocation, and later a symbol of the trinity formed by Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma.
“Om” is the most sacred syllable often spoken during the practice of any Hindu rites. It is a holy character of the Sanskrit language, the language of God. The character is a composite of three different letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. The English equivalent of those are ‘a’, ‘u’, and ‘m’, and represent Trinity……
Spaghetti Squash
Averaging from 4 to 8 pounds, the cylinder shaped spaghetti squash is generally available year-round with a peak season from early fall through winter. While a true spaghetti squash is pale ivory to pale yellow in color, in the early 1990’s, an orange spaghetti squash, known as “Orangetti” was developed and this is what is frequently found in today’s supermarkets. Higher in beta carotene, the orange variety is also bit sweeter than its paler counterpart, although both have a mild flavor that is easily enhanced by the food served with or on it. A dieter’s dream, a four-ounce serving of spaghetti squash has only 37 calories.

Author: Dr. K.B. Mallya- Canada

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