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Stella Marish Church Kalmady all set for Inauguration on January 6

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Stella Marish Church Kalmady all set for Inauguration on January 6

Udupi: The much awaited event, the Inauguration and Blessing of the newly built Stella Maris Church building at, Kalmady will be held on Saturday, 6 January 2018. It will be `Destination Kalmady’ especially for the Catholic Community of Udupi Diocese and for all the well wishers of Udupi region.

Speaking at the press meet held at the church office on Saturday December 30, Fr Alban D’Souza, the Parish priest who was fully involved in this new building project said that, it is an enduring legacy for the people of Kalmady. With deep profound sentiments, great esteem and respect for all the benefactors. The newly built Church is an architectural marvel and has all the incarnation elements of history, mystery and majesty. History that reminds from Nova to the Nazarene; mystery because God’s will has worked in such a magnanimous way in such a short period of time and majesty in the sense of imposing structure that heightens one’s spiritual consciousness to give honour and glory to God.

Stella Maris Church has a humble beginning, way back on 6 February 1972, consequent to the collective wisdom and initiative of a handful of faithful, who until then were parishioners partly of Udupi and partly of Thottam. Capt.(Retd.) late Fr. Charles D’Souza, a deeply religious and philanthrophist was the first officiating priest at Kalmady. It was during the tenure of Fr Denis Castelino that Stella Maris gained devotional acclaim. This devotion was further animated and enhanced by Fr Castelino by the solemn installation of the Icon of Our Lady of Vailankanni in 1988. Today this devotion has grown in leaps and has reached beyond the boundaries of Udupi. It is drawing devotees from near and far to pursue their spiritual cause.

For the past 29 years pilgrims have benefitted immensely by their visit and constant prayers, in particular through the Novenas held on every Saturday at the Shrine. The parishioners and the visiting devotees have recorded testimonies of miracles and special favors received from Our Lady of Vailankani. People from all walks of life come to pray in the church.

As a prelude to the Inauguration program, the customary HORE KAANIKE PROCESSION will be flagged off at 2.30 pm on Wednesday, 03 January 2018 from Malpe Bus stop junction by Pramod Madhwaraj, Minister for Youth Empowerment, Sports & Fisheries., Govt. of Karnataka in the presence of Jerry Vincent Dias. MD, Mandavi Real Estate Developers. The procession will culminate at the Church Grounds followed by INTER RELIGIOUS MEET at 4.30 pm.

Bishop of Udupi diocese Dr Gerald Issac Lobo will preside over Inter Religious Meet. Sri Sri Sri Dr Vidyavachaspati Vishwa Santhosh Bharathi Sripadaru, Pontiff of Shree Barkur Mahasamsthanam, Fr. Valerian Mendonca, Chancellor, Diocese of Udupi and Mohammed Yaseen Malpe, Udupi District Muslim Union President will be the guests of honour for the Meet.

The Inauguration of the newly built Church will commence at 9.00 am on Saturday, 6 January 2018 followed by Solemn Thanks giving Eucharistic celebration. The following will lead the worship along with priests and faithful. The new Church inauguration will be done by Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo Bishop of Udupi Diocese Later the Bishop will offer the first Eucharistic service in the new church in the presence of Dr Aloysius Paul D’souza, Bishop of Mangalore, Dr Francis Serrao, SJ, Bishop of Shimoga, Dr Robert Miranda, Bishop of Gulbarga

Felicitation program will follow the Eucharistic Celebration. Pramodh Madhwaraj, the district minister incharge, Shobha Karandlaje, MP, Udupi –Chikkamagaluru Constituency, Oscar Fernandes, Rajya Sabha member, Ivan D’Souza, MLC & Govt. Chief Whip in the State Legislative Council, Govt of Karnataka, Meenakshi Madhava Bannanje, President, Udupi City Municipal Council, Narayan P. Kunder, member of Udupi town municipality and dignitaries will be present. The formal program will conclude with a fellowship meal.

More than 10,000 devotees are expected to take part in the Inauguration function and fellowship meal. On account of the historic Church Inauguration function there will be a musical extravaganza ‘Wilfy Nite’ in the evening at 5:30 pm.


The book of Genesis in the Old Testament, chapters 6 – 9, narrates the story of Noah and the Ark. The story of Noah and the flood represents the personal struggle and temptations that each of us face in life and suggests the ways we can protect ourselves in times of spiritual trials. The book Secrets of Heaven explains the inner meaning of this story: the ark that Noah, his family, and the animals go into for protection from the flood represents the church that carries us through hard times.

“By the ‘flood of waters’ is signified the beginning of temptation”. The flood represents the temptations that come in life and threaten to wipe out everything good if we give in to them. It is further explained that, “‘Noah went into the ark, from before the waters of the flood’ signifies that he was protected in temptations.” In the story, Noah’s wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives came with him into the ark because they represent the resources Noah had to help him resist temptations. Noah’s wife represents goods, his sons represent truths, and his sons’ wives represent truths that are connected to goods. We can see that while the story seems literally impossible, it stands for something very real in our lives – turning to the church and the goods and truths that sustain us when we are faced with temptations.

The ark has “rooms” for the animals (Genesis 6:14); Jesus says that his father’s house has “many rooms” (John 14:2).

The ark had one door (Genesis 6:16); Jesus claimed himself to be “the door” to salvation (John 10:9).

God invited Noah to come into the ark (Genesis 7:1); Jesus said, “Come to me, all you that are weary” (Matthew 11:28). The ark was made of wood (Genesis 6:14) just as the cross was. Because God saved him, Noah “remained alive” (Genesis 7:23); Jesus gives us eternal life (John 10:28).

Literally speaking, the Ark of Noah is the vessel through which the world (Noah and the animals of creation) is saved from destruction. Mary (the Mother of God) becomes the Ark in the New Testament-the vessel through whom Jesus (God) becomes man and creation is saved from destruction. Therefore, the Ark of Noah foreshadows the incarnation of Christ through His mother Mary. The Ark also represents the Church, through which all of Creation is preserved from the raging the flood. We go to the church and find refuge.

Belfry in the form of a Light House

A lighthouse is a tower topped with a very bright light called a beacon. The beacon is used by sailors to help guide their ships at night. It is usually located on the coast, on islands or in the middle of busy harbors. No matter where it is located, the purpose of a lighthouse is always the same; to warn ships of danger and guide them safely on their way.

The belfry is a structure enclosing bells for ringing. A church bell in the Christian tradition is a bell which is rung in a church for a variety of church purposes, and can be heard outside the building. Traditionally, they were used to call worshippers to the church for a community service, and to announce times of daily prayer. They are also rung on special occasions such as a wedding, or a funeral service. In our liturgy, to signify to people that a particular part of the service has been reached. The ringing of church bells, in the Christian tradition, was also believed to drive out demons.

The Lighthouse (tower) and the Belfry (tower) serves the purpose of elevating a light or a bell respectively.

Just as the light from the lighthouse guides the travelers safely to the shores, the constant ringing of the bell from the belfry reminds people of God, calls them to prayer and worship that leads them to God.

The people of God are collectively called the Church. Our Church (building) is in the form of a boat which represents the life of the people of God. In the Gospel (Mark 4:35-41 and Matthew 8:23-27) there is the miracle of Jesus calming the storm and saving the Apostles from destruction in the sea as they were sailing in the boat. This world symbolizes the sea. The temptations are the storms of destruction. The bells remind us of going to Jesus, the Son of God in times of dangers. Jesus saves us when we call upon Him.

Sanjay Andrade vice president, Shobha Mendonca secretary Parish Pastoral Council, Louis Lobo convener of the Building committee, Sandeep were present in the press meet.

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