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Total Ignorance of MESCOM Workers! They Cut the Tree Branches & Left the Mess Behind for MCC

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Total Ignorance of MESCOM Workers! They Cut the Tree Branches & Left the Mess Behind for MCC

Mangaluru : It usually happens prior to the start of monsoons, when the Mangaluru Electricity Supply Company (Mescom) workers start pruning trees to prevent damage to power lines in case of heavy rain and gusty winds. While this is a routine exercise, what stands out is the lack of coordination between Mescom and the Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC). Because once they are done pruning/cutting of tree branches, they leave the cut branches on the road side or on the footpath, and the mess lies there for days and weeks- until someone calls and complaints to MCC. But in the meantime, the tree branches are either rotten or dried up, creating more garbage. Is this how Mescom works-I only hope the Head of Mescom will read this report and do the needful in future.

Forget about the arrival of monsoon time, but this morning, 27 April, from 9 am until around 2 pm, Mescom workers along with one of their Junior Engineer were engaged in pruning tree branches along the stretch of from Bunts Hostel-Kadri Road, Mallikatta towards Bendore, and while these bunch of men all geared up for their job, left the whole area out of power between 9 am till 2 pm. I am okay with that, but I am not okay with all the mess these workers out of ignorance leave behind once their job is done. They don’t have the slightest courtesy to see that the citizens don’t face any inconveniences or safety hazard due to their negligence. Many a times the pruned branches affect clearance of pavements- and no one cares about it.

A slight carefulness by these Mescom workers could have prevented all this mess from happening- but it has been that way since ages, and no one wants to correct themselves. Oh well, this is Mangaluru and Mescom! True or false, not quite sure, but as per rules it is learnt that Mescom has to take permission from MCC before pruning trees. However, Mescom officials pointed out that line clearance is their responsibility. “We have been empowered by the government to prune branches ahead of monsoon or anytime there is a obstruction of branches near power lines. We do not need to take any permission from the MCC,” an Mescom official said. I am yet to clarify on that point.

But whatever be the case, leaving behind a big mess of pruned tree branches, is totally a act of ignorance and carelessness. Another outcome of the lack of coordination is that cut branches are dumped on pavements. The civic body takes a long time to clear them, which inconveniences pedestrians. “If we know where the pruning exercise is being carried out, we can depute extra personnel to that area to clear the cut branches,” a senior MCC official said when contacted. The best way to avoid all this litter of branches, is that Mescom should coordinate with MCC, and when they carry on with their pruning job, they should request MCC to provide a garbage truck, so that the cut branches are dumped right into the truck, rather than on streets or pavements. Don’t you think it’s smart idea. Now that the branches were cut today, they will lie at a corner of the street, or on the pavement for days, some may even get dried up- and God only knows when the MCC will clear the mess.

And sometimes Mescom members without any prior information and permission enter residents property illegally to prune trees grown inside the house compound. As per rules, they are allowed to cut branches that are within 5 ft distance to electric cables. But, they do not have any measuring instruments to ensure minimal pruning. Many a times trees are butchered and branches hacked that are 10- 15 ft away. I think Mescom needs to follow a policy of informing owners prior to cutting their trees; getting permission from home owners or MCC prior to pruning trees; and have equipment that only prune and cut what is allowed by law (max of 5 ft) and most importantly, CLEAR THE PRUNED BRANCHES AND LEAVES FULLY. Thank You!

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Amit Shah
4 years ago

Smart city foolish MESCOM

4 years ago

Not only MESCOM, even PWD is of the same standard.
There was a big TREE in front of my house which was cut in coordination with MESCOM and PWD due to road widening and the root of a tree which was big was left back saying that they will clear later which the SO-Electrical informed me. Now it is more than 5 years in spite of informing the PWD and forest in charge of KAUP / SHIRVA area they have not cleared the root of tree. This is the responsibility of the officers & staff in spite of informing.

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