Bacon/Ham Bust! Cops Seize 7 Pigs inside Car for Illegal Transport

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Bacon/Ham Bust! Cops Seize 7 Pigs inside Car for Illegal Transport

Udupi: Holy Cow! Oops, sorry-Holy Pig? Illegal transporting of cattle in DK and around is common, and we have heard news every now and then when people get busted by cops for illegal transport of cows or slaughtering of cows. But here is a different kind of story, where not COWS, instead the cops have seized seven pigs that were being transported illegally inside a car.

The incident took place near Thekkatte check post in Kota on Saturday, 31 March 2018. It is learned that Kundapur assistant commissioner Boobahalan and his team who were engaged in the inspection of violation of election model code of conduct at Thekkatte check post when they came across the car that was transporting the pigs. The pigs were being taken to Udupi from Kundapur. A case has been filed in the Kota police station against the two persons transporting the illegal 7 pigs and further investigation in this regard is on, as per police officials.

Just wondering if carrying a bunch of chicken in your car is also illegal? Will that be against the violation of election model code?

Note: Pic for illustration only

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Original R.Pai
6 years ago

One day in future, human society will look back in disgust and apologize for what we did to these poor animals and birds in the name of food, religion and entertainment.