BJP Stages Protest against Failure of Congress Govt

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BJP Stages Protest against Failure of Congress Govt

Mangaluru: The BJP workers staged a protest against the failure of the administration in the City Corporation, in front of the MCC, here on August 9.

Addressing the protesters the opposition party leader Roopa D Bangera said that the Congress government has failed to implement any schemes successfully. We are not here to oppose the administration in MCC but we are here to bring awareness among the people of Mangaluru about the failure of the Congress government in everything, be it the roads, drinking water problems, traffic etc.



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She further said, “When the BJP was in power we have taken care of the footpaths during the widening of roads, but from past three years the roads are in a pathetic condition. Every day there is traffic jam which causes the school children to reach home late. While widening the roads measures have not been taken to construct footpaths and the pedestrians now face severe problems. The Congress government has implemented series of Bhagyas but there are no beneficiaries. Mangaluru which was in the list of Smart cities could not make it in the first round because even in the third phase there is no development”.

Roopa also alleged that the people of DK are suffering from drinking water crisis, There is enough rain in the district but in every ward, people face drinking water problems. When the BJP was in power we were providing 24X7 drinking water and road widening was also done. But after the congress came to power they are unable to complete the road widening work. The Urban development minister was here last week for the review meeting but there was debate only on the failure in completing the projects instead of the development works. During the Congress ruling, we got three Mayors, the first one came with all the development projects and implemented it. The second Mayor did not show any interest to continue and now the third one is not at all bothered. The Congress is launching new projects only for publicity, whatever projects they have initiated, are so far not completed. There are no proper parking places in the city since the parking places become commercial shops and vehicles are parked on the roads.

While concluding Roopa said that the people of DK should understand the failure of the congress government. If such a situation continues in the coming days people of Mangaluru will come out on the streets to protest against the congress government.

Addressing the protesters opposition leader Premananda said that in the DK district there has been enough rain this year but the people in various wards still face water crisis. The council members are not ready to solve the problems facing the people, instead, they give various reasons. Many of the ruling party members are also against the attitude of the council members in the drinking water issue. The work of the Thumbay dam is also not completed. Roads are congested and road users face severe problems. There are no proper footpaths and roads are in pathetic condition. The Congress government has failed to implement any development wark successfully.

BJP leaders, Monappa Bhandary also spoke on the occasion. Ravishanker Mijar, Satyajit Suratkal, Rahim Uchil, Sumitra Kariya, Sandhya Venkatesh, Ashok Krishnapura and others were also present.

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7 years ago

What good have you done to mangalore by having your MP Mr.Kateel.. No matter its BJP or Congress.. All are same when they are in power… Common man will have no difference in his way of living…. Same costs same roads same traffic when Congress is in power and same when BJP is in power. Kannakatt da protest malpodchi …

Joe D'Souza
7 years ago

What Roopa Bangera said about launching new Projects for Publicity is correct. Look at those Banners with faces of MLA and MLC and fake show off Corporators. For example: look at the waste of money near Bendoor Church and St Theresa School. I have requested the concerned persons regarding a footpath where accidents took place and Little Children were walking in the middle of the road. How smart these people are, instead of Cement Slabs to cover the dangerous gutter and making a footpath, they have fitted Galvanized Iron Pipes railing. Then Children started walking further away in the middle… Read more »