Bon Voyage! Getting Your Visa to UK made Easy by Globe Travels

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Bon Voyage! Getting Your Visitiors Visa to UK made Easy by Globe Travels here in City. No more taking a trip to Bengaluru or Chennai and spend a day or two there to get your formalities done to obtain your visitors visa to United Kingdom- because Globe Travels-Mangaluru, the pioneers in travel and tourism have made your life easy, where you don’t have to travel out of town, instead get your interview, bio-metrics and other required procedures done at the special arrangements made at Globe Travels office on Balmatta Road. 

Mangaluru: Before getting further with this report pertaining to visitors visa arrangements in Mangaluru, it is learnt that William D’Souza-the proprietor of Globe Travels, Mangaluru was the main man behind who took the initiative to open the Passport Office in Mangaluru in the year 2009, with the help of then Union Minister Oscar Fernandes and many other politicians. D’Souza was also instrumental in the operation of International flights from Mangaluru Airport, with the support from Subbayya Shetty. Adding one more feather to his cap with the introduction of providing services right here in Mangaluru for travelers seeking visitors visa to UK, William D’Souza speaking to said, ” I am really overwhelmed that this service is provided to our valuable customers right here in the City, without going out of town. The credit to set up of service should go to my two dedicated staff, namely Preethi D’Souza, who has been with us since 2003, and also Sharal Castelino, for their hard work in negotiating and other formalities with the UK Consulate in arranging the visa process service in Mangaluru, through VFS Global Services Pvt Ltd based in Chennai. We at Globe travels have always provided the best service to our customers with satisfaction guaranteed, no matter if they are traveling in India or abroad, and even in their other passport, other documents etc needs”.

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It should be noted that for the first time in the history of Mangaluru, Globe travels under the dynamic leadership of William D’Souza and the bevy of dedicated staff have made a break through in requesting the consulate of United Kingdom to visit the “Rome of the East-Mangaluru” to interview the visa aspirants who are planning to travel to UK. And the appointment for all these UK travelers was fixed today, 2 May 2016 at the Globe Travels office. As per William D’Souza there are nearly 40 applicants registered with them seeking visitors to UK, but today only 10-20 will be interviewed and their visa formalities processed, while the rest will be attended during the next scheduled date.

William D’souza further said that before UK Consulate opened their consulate office at Bengaluru recently, all visa applicants of United Kingdom were required to travel to Chennai to submit the visa application and supporting documents. For the last so many years it was a hassle for visa applicants and general public to travel to Chennai or Bangalore to submit the visa application with the supporting documents and then to stay overnight for the bio metrics at consulate representative office, VFS Global Services Pvt. Ltd.

But not anymore, for Globe travels being a pioneer in travel and tourism in this Coastal and Educational Hub having associate offices all over India and their own branches at Canada and USA had requested the Consulate of United Kingdom to come down to Mangaluru to accept the visa applications of general public and to take the bio metrics. It is heartening to learn that the consulate of United Kingdom, understanding the long standing of Globe travels in field of travel and being promoters of tourism to various countries abroad especially to Canada, USA, United Kingdom and Europe, did oblige Globe Travel’s request thereby permitting their representative, VFS Global Services Pvt. Ltd.-Chennai, to come down here to accept the visa applications, do the bio metrics and other required formalities today, May 02, 2016 at Globe travels premises. VFS Global Services Pvt. Ltd., has been representing Consulate of United Kingdom and many other consulates in India and abroad for many years.

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Sharal Castelino (L) and Preethi Dsouza (R)


Speaking to, a elderly couple, who want to remain anonymous and anxiously waiting to see her daughter in United Kingdom said, ” We are very grateful to Globe travels for arranging this facility here in Mangaluru. Our relative last year had to travel to Chennai, stay overnight to get all his paper work done, and spent few extra bucks on travel and stay. We are lucky that we don’t have to go through all this trouble, and get our work done right here in the city quickly”. Yet another applicant, who after after done with his interview and bio-metrics said, ” That was quick. It just took less than an hour for all the procedure and formalities. The staff was friendly, courteous and helpful, and I really appreciate the efforts put in by Globe Travels in getting this service set up in Mangaluru. I have always been satisfied with the services provided by Globe Travels rendered by courteous, knowledgeable, experienced and friendly staff, and I would surely recommend others also. Happy journey!”

Travelers and general public should whole-heartedly thank the management and staff of Globe travels who always think of general public interest of travel and to make it seamless. In the past Globe travels has been instrumental in getting the international flights operation from Mangaluru to Gulf destinations with Builders Association under the leadership of Subbayya Shetty. Both Shetty and D’ Souza had toiled to collect funds from businessmen to build the international terminal to enable the international flights operation at the then old Bajpe Airport. It is learnt that Shetty personally supervised the old international terminal to speed up the process of international operations of flights and build it within a record time of 15 days. This has lead to daily operation of many international flights to Middle East from here which has brought the new terminal to Mangaluru avoiding the passengers to travel to Mumbai or Bengaluru for their onward flights to Middle East and beyond. This has even brought the countries like USA, Canada, Europe and Australia closer to this City, since there are now convenient flights from Mangaluru International Airport connecting to these countries.

Public who are interested to obtain the visit visa to United Kingdom may contact Ms. Preethi D’Souza or Ms.Sharal Castelino at Globe travels-Mangaluru Tel: 0824-4244914/4244916.

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8 years ago

Dronu Sugam, now it must be easy for our Yumreeki RampaNNA to fly direct from his range to Murudeshwara.