Coast Guard Karnataka Applauds Health Workers

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Coast Guard Karnataka Applauds Health Workers

Officers, Sailors Civilians and their families at Coast Guard Residential Area Kunjathbail joined hands together at sharp 5 pm on 22 Mar 20, for expressing their gratitude to health personnel on the coronavirus front-line by applauding from their balconies. Even as the busy workers are engrossed in their duty of call and despite knowing that their intended audiences are too busy, the Coast Guard Karnataka together stood for adulation which is for the doctors, nurses and other health care workers putting themselves at risk on the front lines of the pandemic that is forcing most residents to stay home.

The idea of community clapping (while practicing social distancing) appears to have been inspired the ICG in New Mangalore. ICG in New Mangalore is taking all necessary steps to ensure that they are prepared well to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing pandemic of COVID 19 – the Corona Virus and taking precautions as per the advisories being issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

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