Dunham on staying out of trouble on social media  

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Dunham on staying out of trouble on social media
Austin, March 11 (IANS) Actress Lena Dunham says keeping her out of trouble on social media isnt a one-person job.

During a panel here on Saturday, the 31-year-old, who made her first public appearance since her hysterectomy, revealed how she tries to keep herself out of hot water on social media, reports people.com.

Acknowledging her history of creating controversies and then issuing public apologies, Dunham admitted that the pattern had become somewhat of a running joke.

“These articles come out that say, ‘Lena Dunham apologies for like the 87th time’, (but) that was how I was raised,” she said.

“We try and we fail and we try again. We think the problem from another angle and we grow.”

How does she safeguard herself in the future from the backlash the apologies repeatedly stir up?

“I have about 19 people ready to stop me from tweeting. Many of them paid,” she joked.

But while Dunham has been known to stir up controversy, she said that the “shame” from causing an uproar “goes away really fast”.

“I’ll have two moments. One is full of shame and like, ‘I should never have been let out of my house in the first place’. Or like, ‘Nobody even deserves me or my truth’. But it goes away really fast and it’s kind of the only thing that I know how to do,” she said.

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