Five Misconceptions About SMS Marketing That You Should Stop Believing Right Now!

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Five Misconceptions About SMS Marketing That You Should Stop Believing Right Now!

E-mail marketing and mobile push notification services are trending among marketers nowadays. However, did you know? Implementing SMS marketing can boost a 40% growth in revenue!

This statistic should be an indication of the potential of SMS marketing as a tool to market your company’s products and services.

Know All About SMS Marketing

SMS marketing refers to the process of using text messages by an entity for transactional messages in promoting their goods. The messages are permission-based, thereby reducing the chance that people receive them without consent.

How is SMS Marketing an Invaluable Tool in Business?

Let’s talk about what sets text message marketing apart and makes it a promising strategy to include in your advertising efforts.

Usage of Mobile Phones Is on The Rise – Did you know? 80% population in India has access to mobile phones. As mobile phones become ubiquitous in the hands of consumers, SMS advertising becomes more potent as a way of reaching them directly.

Text Messages Have Higher Engagement Rates – Did you know? 90% of text messages are read in 3 minutes since they were received. Compared to emails, text messages used for marketing have much higher rates of engagement.

Cellular Data Is Expensive – Did you know? Only 36% of the Indian population are smartphone users. In an emerging market like India, SMS marketing can be the best stint to target a big chunk of the population. With expensive data plans and limited reach of Wi-Fi, SMS advertising comes in handy in delivering promotional and transactional content.

Let’s Debunk the Five Common Misconceptions About SMS Marketing!

As a marketer, you should be informed about the benefits and drawbacks of different advertising strategies. Below are some common myths about SMS marketing that might be holding you back from using it.

Myth#1 – It Delivers Spam
Since it relies on customers permission and allows to opt-out whenever they like, SMS marketing cannot be unwanted spam.

Myth#2 – It Becomes a Bottleneck for Creative Content
Text messages leave ample room to think out of the box. For instance, a business could send targeted messages for special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries, follow up after a purchase is made or include links to social media pages to increase engagement.

Myth#3 – It Is Not Interactive
You can run surveys or ask for reviews over text messages to allow customers to respond to you, adding a layer of interactivity.

Myth #4 – It Does Not Allow Personalization
If your company uses the right platforms, it can personalise content and send appropriate text messages to each segment of users. Segmentation along the lines of purchase history, age and geography are useful for personalised targeting.

Myth#5 – It Is Only Useful for Retail Goods
Products and Services company can use SMS marketing for value-adding programs/client engagement modules like loyalty programs for discounts and setting up and modifying reservations.

To Sum It Up

If you had any of the misconceptions mentioned above about SMS marketing, it’s time to rethink them! Don’t let these myths hold you back from using SMS to boost your company’s advertising strategy.

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