Mangaluru: Foreign Currency Seized by MIA Customs

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Mangaluru:  The Customs officers at the International Airport seized foreign currency totaling to 12,500 Saudi Riyals, 7755 UAE Dirhams, 50 Kuwait Dinars and 400 Qatar Riyals, equivalent to Rs 3,75,023, from a passenger, Mohammed Ali Pallikunhi, aged about 27 years.


Ali hails from Mogralputhur, Kasaragod District, Kerala. The currency was seized at the time of his departure from Mangaluru International Airport on May 24, by Jet Airways flight No.9W532 to Dubai.

The said passenger attempted to smuggle the foreign currency out of India without valid money exchange documents.

Further investigation is under progress.

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Original R.Pai
9 years ago

Another Mohamed from Kasaragodu getting into legal trouble at mangaluru vimaana nildaana!! Now let’s reverse the situation a little bit – Imagine havyaka brahmana guys from puttur-sullia region getting caught in every single smuggling act at airport. Our shameless fake-secular crowd would have gone gung-ho over those incidents questioning morale and ethics of havyaka community!! However, when it comes to ‘peaceful’ community, the same folks are very silent. From Joker Praveena to Henry James and Pincode Pai, the lack of intellectual honesty and moral courage to question ‘peaceful’ group is depressing. No courage to support cartoons but plenty of fake… Read more »

9 years ago

The law allows to take upto $5000.00 worth of currency and another $5000.00 worth of negotiable instruments out of the country without declaring to customs. Can someone explain why was this seizure?

shaiKh moHd rizwan
9 years ago

Why was this seizure? -Mr.Lawrence, Sir,The real fact the first accused is Indian Muslim national belongs to Kasargod. While Adani and Amabani can stash Dollar accounts in Billions in tax Heavens can be let go because of high calibre business association with Chaiwala government. PM Modi’s India is heading for ‘Banana republic’ while criminals running the democracy.VIP judges passing the verdict for honour murders with ‘clean chit’ MIA is the part saffrnoisation of system. This type of cases is evident in daily basis. If passenger was caught on suspicions of carrying ‘Hydrogen peroxide’ easily available in barber shop,what can we… Read more »