Happy Anniversary to M. com

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""Name:  Crystal Rodrigues
Date of Birth:  10/23/93
Father’s Name:  Sal Rodrigues
Mother’s Name:  Florine Rodrigues
Native Place:  Belle, Udupi
School: Crone Middle School, Naperville, Illinois
Hi, my name is Crystal.  I’m a grade 7 student at Crone Middle School, Naperville, Illinois.  I have great passion for music.  I have taken couple of years of voice lessons as well as piano lessons when I was in elementary school.  Now I’m in honor chorus in my school as well as I play violin in the school orchestra.  My hobbies are reading, playing basketball and swimming.

Happy Anniversary to M. com

This truly wonderful site,
Brings everybody so much delight,
It is like visiting your homeland,
The website is carefully planned,
By two very great brains,
That brings out culture that will remain.

This site lets us share many sorrows and bliss,
Let us all recall the reminisce,
It lets us contribute and discuss,
The great four years it has served us,
It gives us so much information,
What a splendid creation!
This site lets everybody shine with their ability,
From cooking, writing, even to nobility,
It is something that everyone can enjoy,
Even sharing thoughts or sending wishes with so much joy,
Everybody who participates helps spread the knowledge,
So Mangalorean.com is the site we should acknowledge.

So let us all say to this site,
And everyone who made it ignite,
What a wonderful job they have done,
And four magnificent years are outdone!!!!



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