Hey, We’re No More Students, We’re DOCTORS Now ! With Pride & Dignity 167 UG/PG Students Graduate at AJIMS

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Hey, We’re No More Students, We’re DOCTORS Now ! With Pride & Dignity 167 UG/PG Students Graduate at AJIMS


Hey, We’re No More Students, We’re DOCTORS Now ! With Pride & Dignity 167 UG/PG Students Graduate with Smiles at A J Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Mangaluru

Mangaluru : “Graduation is only a concept. In real life every day you graduate. Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life. If you can grasp that, you’ll make a difference” had said Arie Pencovici. A graduation ceremony is a pageant celebrating the transition from student to graduate and marking the beginning of an exciting new chapter in their life. ‘So many of their dreams at first seemed impossible, they then seemed improbable, and then when they summon the will, they soon become inevitable’- Today ( 8 February 2020) for 167 graduates ( 27 Post Graduates and 140 -UG (MBBS) belonging to A J Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre- Kuntikan, Mangaluru, was the culmination of such dreams, envisioned by these young graduates, PG , their teachers, parents, family/relatives and friends, while they were all dressed to thrill in their graduation gowns, and who were about to receive their certificates and medals were all beaming with smile and pride as they were ready to enter the hall for the big celebrations, amidst their teachers, parents and college-mates.

It was the Day of culmination of hundreds of such dreams, envisioned by the young graduates, post graduates, their parents, family and friends. The day belonged to the graduates, to bask in the glory of their achievement of attaining the coveted prefix ‘Dr’ in front of their names. The function commenced with the entry of graduates in a beautiful “Graduation March” by the way of traditional pattern with flowers and balloons all around followed by the dignitaries of the occasion. And now as these graduates emerge out of the campus and look forward to serve the community, they will be of great asset to the needy patients who are anticipating their dedicated and professional services. As it is said, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. An attitude of absoluteness is the basis for everything.

A star is formed out of cloud of cool, dense molecular gas. In order for it to become a potential star, the cloud needs to collapse and increase density. But from all those pressure, their dazzling brilliance never fails to stand out and shine across unimaginable distances for myriads of years. These 167 graduates resemble that of a Star-who have now graduated with pride and dignity, but, full of gratefulness. However, this journey brought about many challenges, like decisions to be made and feelings to be nurtured. And today, these graduates celebrated their achievement, who have committed to and succeeded in completing one of the most challenging modes of studying. They have all brought immense joy to their Alma mater, and most of all, to their teachers and especially, their parents. Congratulations, Graduates!

The Graduation Ceremony began with invoking God’s blessings through a prayer song by First year MBBS students, Ms Karunya Sivakumar and Ms Prajna Acharya, followed by welcome address by very dynamic and pro-active Associate Dean, Professor and HoD of Dept of Forensic Medicine at AJIMS & RC, Dr Francis N P Monteiro, Following the Annual Report also delivered by Dr Francis Monteiro, the inauguration of the ceremony was done by lighting the traditional lamp by Chief Guest Dr C N Manjunath -Director of Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, Bengaluru, along with other dignitaries on the dais namely- Prashanth Shetty- Vice President of Laxmi Memorial Educational Trust respectively; Dr Ashok Hegde- Dean, AJIMS, Dr Prashanth Marla- Medical Director, AJHRC, Dr Ramesh Pai- Former Dean AJIMS; among many other HOD’s.

The Hippocratic oath composed more than 2400 years ago is the most sacred ritual in a graduation ceremony. It is an oath historically taken by budding doctors, swearing to practice medicine honestly. Hippocrates said and I quote “As long as you maintain this oath faithfully and without corruption, it may be granted that you partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining respect of all men for all time. However should you transgress this oath and violate it, may the opposite be thy fate. As per a notable quote “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work. It is the result of this herculean effort and invincible spirit,which had brought these graduates here, who have been waiting for this moment of glory. “He that imposes an oath makes it, not he that for convenience take it”- and it was the honor for Former Dean Dr Ramesh Pai to convey the oath to his 167 graduates, who all repeated after him, with pride, dignity, with gratefulness, and recapitulated it, committing themselves to their respective noble professions.

India’s former President Late APJ Abdul Kalam once said, “Dreams is not what you see in sleep, but is the thing which doesn’t let you sleep”- now it was time to honor all the graduates with a medal and graduation certificate – while the names of graduates read by comperes- Dr Rukma Bhandary (Dept of ENT) and Dr Prathima Jaydev (Dept of Biochemistry) everyone walked to the stage to be honored by the chief guest, Prashanth Shetty, Dean, and other dignitaries on the dais. Neighbours envy- Owners’ pride! An enviable bevy of exceptional individuals who have made excellence their habit were presented with the Meritorious Awards. A bunch of rank holders were also honored on the occasion.

The President’s Gold Medal, instituted by the Institute president, Dr. A J Shetty was conferred to The Toppers of the Batch and the best out going students of the graduating batch every year. The President’s Gold Medal for Overall 1st topper was Dr. Abhay Keshava Bhat K, and Overall 2nd topper was Dr Meghana Rao, overall 3rd topper wa Dr Sidharth N Shenoy Bhamy, all three MBBS graduates.The recipient of the gold medal for general medicine went to Dr. Meghana Rao. The Best Outgoing Student having bagged a bunch of Ranks/Awards was Dr Abhay Keshava Bhat K. Wow-indeed a young genius Doctor!

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Top notch sports facilities in this institution have ensured the nurturing of numerous sportsmen and achievers. They have toiled hard on the field and brought laurels to the institution and such achievers as a token of recognition were honored . A multitude of thoughts and emotions might have been playing in the young minds of our graduates, and to reflect on these, on behalf of all the graduates, Dr. Abhay Bhat and Dr Meghana Rao, shared many more memories on behalf of the batches, revisiting their beautiful journey, in their Valedictorian speech. Sometimes it’s just the one picture that brings back thousands of memories. Many many years down the lane when you would sit back and reflect upon the student days, what else other than the well crafted year book would be the best bet. Chief guest Dr. Manjunath released the yearbook, “XANTHRONES’!

The performance on stage is only reflective of tremendous efforts of people backstage. All departments and their faculties along with Heads of the Departments always give their best and ensure the smooth sail of our students. And as a token of love the graduates took the opportunity to felicitate the HOD’s seated on the dais. Life of a General Secretary in this college is one with challenges at every turn and at every ascent. To have overcome these challenges and to have delivered the best for institution along with other members of the student council-the management and Dean acknowledged the stupendous efforts of General Secretary- Dr Rahul Shenoy, and honored him on the occasion. to accept a small token of love from A J group of institution which has given platform for many individual personalities who have become successful in their domains of life. This is because of the legendary philanthropist Dr AJ Shetty and other management luminaries.

Dr B V Manjunath- Hod of Cardiology at AJIMS, while introducing the chief guest on a lighter side of vein narrated four things common between him and Dr C N Manjunath, which brought laughter among the audience.Chief guest Dr C N Manjunath addressing the audience said, ” Today is indeed a memorable for all you graduates. Your hard work, dedication, commitment and sacrifice has shown results. Be grateful to your parents and also your Alma Mater when you exit out of this institution and occupy a good position in the Health care sector. Graduation is an exciting time. I see all of you in smiles today, but keep that smiling nature when you exit this institution and go out into the world. Because Smile brings joys in you and in others also, especially the patients you will treat. Graduation- It’s both an ending and a beginning-it’s warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future. You will take with you lots of memories when you leave your institution. Remember Graduation is not a end, because everyday is graduation day, when you upgrade yourselves in innovations and creativity. All of you full-fledged graduates in your respective profession who have now stepped into your fertile and promising various fields, as full-fledged professionals would be competent to provide professional care to the sick and needy. Utilize your talents and knowledge that you gained from this institution, which had provided you all the facilities and high-tech equipment to pursue your education”

“.What most most of young doctors lack is physical examination knowledge-you may be a rank holder in academics, but physical examination is a must for a doctor to be good doctor. Go into the world with Determination, Commitment, Concentration, and work hard- and success will be yours. You need to spend some precious time with your patients, listening to their feelings and views, thereby joining in their conversation. Have a good attitude, have morals and behave well with your patients. Don’t criticize or spread word about their illness with others-this will hurt them badly. The best award in your life will be getting applauds and appreciation from your patients, their kith and kin- which is more than a Padmashree Award. Have kindness and a Mother’s Heart in you . Remember that ‘Proper Work is more important than Paper Work’. You need to have Accountability and Documentation of your work. Before I end, once again I tell you, As a doctor remember these three things- Patience, Silence and Smile” added Dr C N Manjunath.

In the absence of Dr A.J. Shetty, President of Laxmi Memorial Education Trust , his Son Prashanth Shetty, VP of LMET in his presidential address said, ” At our institution we place great emphasis on helping the students to grow into thoughtful, responsible adults with a strong sense of right and wrong. Equality of opportunity is fundamental to our institution ethos. We educate every student to the best of his/her ability. We have skilled and dedicated team who are committed to providing the best education for you. Our institutions is truly the opportunity places for every education seeker. Our institutions stress high-quality education with sound moral and spiritual values. Our faculty members are dedicated to the student’s welfare, and they are skillful in the handling of social values to shape the life and character of each student. We also have the sophisticated medical equipment needed during your studies. You all are like our family members. Not just academic, even Art, music, and physical education should be part of our regular curriculum. Avail all the facilities and opportunities that is provided here, and have a good education experience here at AJ Institution”

Like they draw curtains to what has been a theatre of nostalgia, it was time for Dr Mohandas Rai-Associate Dean at AJIMS, AJ to propose the vote of thanks. After national anthem being sung, it was Photo Session-“Spread your wings ; now is the time to dare, to dream, to reach for the sky. This is the moment you will see, if you want it now ,you can have it all. This is not the day where you concede, you have more strength than you would know. This is where you will, if you show them, how far you will go”. A audio-video presentation of the graduating students was shown to the audience, which received high applaud from the audience- kudos to the team who created this funny but informative video. It was a well planned and organized Graduation Ceremony- and kudos should go to Dr Francis Monteiro- Associate Dean at AJIMS & RC who played an important role in seeing that the ceremony went on systematically and professionally, along with the help of his team members.

And a special mention of thanks from me to Dean Dr Ashok Hegde, for his kind hospitality and gesture, who saw/met me outside in the campus, was literally forcing me to have the sumptuous dinner before I leave- but being a Saturday Night, a night being young for a Party Man like me, there are quite a few things left for the night to do before dinner, ( like bar/pub hopping etc) – therefore I was a bit reluctant to accept his request. Sorry Doctor, but I do appreciate your kindness and concern towards a JOURNO! Thumba Dhanyavadagalu, Docture!

In conclusion, in my perspective, as you all prepare to launch into the real world beyond college, let me take a moment to congratulate each and every one of you. No matter what your circumstances in life — where you live, the family you were born into, what happened to you as a young child or a college student that was beyond your control, but now is the time to step forward into your own true self and begin the chapter of life that is truly yours for the making. ” Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”, so go and move into the society and follow these words of Mahatma Gandhi, and be good professionals in your respected fields and serve the patients with dedication and sincerity and bring joy and smiles on their faces.

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to challenge the world. Hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known”- Congratulations, Graduates and Success galore!

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