Kuwait Kannada Koota (KKK) Holds Annual Sports day

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Kuwaiit: “Sound Body in Sound Mind”. This is exactly what KKK did on Friday, 27 March 2015 at Al-Sahel Sports Club in Abu-Halifa, by conducting its Annual Sports day.

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All the members, adults and children, gathered at Al-Sahel sports club and started off with a ‘WALKATHON’ session as a prelude to warm up for the various sports events to follow. After the ‘WALKATHON’ and light breakfast, the president of the Koota Sudhir Shenoy declared open the Sports meet of KKK.
Every year KKK conducts this out-door sports day where members, especially children, enjoy the healthy outing. Members and children of the Koota were divided into four houses, named after the four rivers in Karnataka viz., Sharavathi, Netravathi, Hemavathi and Cauvery. There were individual track events, games as well as intra-house games.
The sports committee headed by Ram Kumar organized and conducted all the sports events in a very smooth manner. The entire sports committee came out with an innovative idea of donning a T-Shirt with KKK logo inscribed and showing that they were from the sports committee, organizing and conducting the sports events for the day. All the members appreciated this innovative style from the sports committee.

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It was very nice to see that everyone starting from a toddler to aged members had one or the other games to play. Toddlers upto 6 years had frog race and bucket ball; potato race, lemon and spoon race for children from 6th-10th standard, and running race for children from 2nd-6th standard. A nice tiring game of football for boys from 6th-10th standard was held, where the boys were divided into groups Hoysala and Chalukya (names of Kings from Karnataka). The Hoysala team won the game. There was throw ball for the ladies and Volley ball game for men played between intra houses. In throw ball for the ladies, Hemavathi house was the winner and in Volley ball for the men, Sharavathi took the credit. A new game was introduced for adults and children, “Hop & Catch” (known as “Kuntata” in Kannada), which became an instant success among the members. In this innovative game, Cauvery house took the credit as winner. There was little fun after the lunch. The members enjoyed a game of ‘Lagori’, where Sharavathi was declared as the winner.
Everyone enjoyed this memorable day with a nice lunch served by Udayam restaurant. To raise the morale of our children and to make sure that our children remember KKK as they grow up, individual cups were presented to all the winners and runners among the children. It was really nice to see these proud and happy children.

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