Kuwait: ISIS Claims Bomb Blast at Shia Mosque During Ramadan- 13 Killed

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Kuwait: A bomb blast killed several worshippers at a Shia mosque in Kuwait on Friday, coming days after similar attacks on Shiite mosques in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and Isis claimed responsibility for the latest attack as well.

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The blast occurred during the Friday prayers at the mosque in Kuwait City, the capital of Kuwait, even as Muslims are observing the holy month of Ramadan. At least 13 people have been killed, according to news reports, while several have been injured. The blast occurred at the Imam Sadiq Mosque in Kuwait City’s al-Sawabir district. It is one of the largest Shia mosques in the Middle Eastern nation. A Kuwaiti MP, who saw the attack, said the mosque was packed with some 2,000 people when there was a loud explosion, Reuters news agency reported.

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Footage posted online said to be from the scene of the attack showed men, some in blood-splattered clothing, walking around a smoke-filled room with rubble on the floor. Al-Jazeera also reported that the Kuwaiti emir was heading to the scene of the blast. Sunni-ruled Kuwait has a large Shia minority, which IS considers to be heretics. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the Kuwait Shia mosque blast, according to Reuters. The terror group identified the suicide bomber as Abu Suleiman al-Muwahed, and said that the attack was on the ‘temple of the rejectionists’, a phrase the group uses to refer to Shia Muslims.

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Graphic images of dead bodies of worshippers were seen on social media. Sunni Islamists have mounted attacks on Shia mosques in the Gulf region in recent weeks.



Kuwait: Shia mosque hit by suicide blast

Kuwait (BBC): At least four people have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a Shia mosque in the Kuwaiti capital. Many people were injured, and unconfirmed reports put the death toll much higher.


The blast hit during Friday prayers at the Imam Sadiq Mosque in al-Sawaber, a busy area to the east of Kuwait City. An Islamic State- (IS) affiliated group said it was behind the attack. IS has carried out similar recent attacks in neighbouring Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

The governor of Kuwait City, Thabet al-Muhanna, told Reuters four people had died in the suicide attack. However, the AFP news agency said at least 13 people were killed. At least eight people were reportedly wounded.
A Kuwaiti MP, who saw the attack, said the mosque was packed with some 2,000 people when there was a loud explosion, Reuters news agency reported.

Footage posted online said to be from the scene of the attack showed men, some in blood-splattered clothing, walking around a smoke-filled room with rubble on the floor.


Al-Jazeera also reported that the Kuwaiti emir was heading to the scene of the blast. Sunni-ruled Kuwait has a large Shia minority, which IS considers to be heretics.

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Original R.Pai
9 years ago

This is what they do to their own people simply because they belong to a different denomination. Imagine what would be the fate of sanaathana folks, Buddhists or Christians in the hands of these savages. Well, we all know the answer from history and based on what happened in Syria/Iraq areas.

Here is the link on the ‘peaceful’ activities:

Pincode Pai, Roy, Joker Praveena, AS Mathew and other followers of sharia rule – Are you listening? You may want to think about real danger first before showing non-stop outrage over fabricated, imaginary attacks on minorities under Sri Modiji leadership!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Original R.Pai

Pincode Pai, Roy, Joker Praveena, AS Mathew and other followers of Sharia rule – are you listening? – Maha Joker Pai Pyare Rampu, I know that these are very difficult times for you as you are on a month-long fast from sunup to sundown. Maybe you are doing it as penance for Sushmataji’s transgressions or Vasu Raje’s or that maverick called Srimana Lalitha Kumara Modi’ji, I don’t know and frankly speaking, I don’t care to know the reasons. However, you know that fasting can make one weak, get wobbly in the knees and induce hallucinations! That is quite understandable and… Read more »

Original R.Pai
9 years ago

Tunisia, France and Kuwait – Three terrorist attacks on the same day. See the report below.

Just watch out – Sharia Pandita will ignore all these and blame this all on Sri Modiji and RSS!!

shaikH mOHd rizwan
9 years ago

Imagine what would be the fate of sanaathana folks Buddhists or Christians in the hands of these savages-Atheist Mr.Original Pai. Dear readers, The world terror strike came as needful relief to BJP and RSS both alike who remained sympathetic to ‘Saffron terror’. The recent disclosure by Special Public Prosecutor Rohini Salian in the Malegaon bomb blasts case, involving Hindutva terror, raises several disturbing questions.She has effectively blown the lid off a diabolical plan to pervert the cause of justice. As it is, it took an upright and courageous officer like ATS chief Hemant Karkare, martyred during the 26/11 attack on… Read more »

Original R.Pai
9 years ago

“Malegaon, Col.Purohita, Sadhvi Pragya…” says Sharia Shaikh, repeating the same three names for millionth time on this forum!!! LOL See, this is really sad. All he can do, in all these years, is to repeat the same three names in response to every ‘peaceful act’ by his folks. There were three peaceful acts yesterday alone, not to mention many hundreds slaughtered in ‘peaceful state’ established by his black-flag-waving friends in Syria and Iraq. He also continues to blame Karkare’s death on RSS trying to protect his friends across the border. Well, no surprises here. We all know what he wants… Read more »

Original R.Pai
9 years ago

Dear Joker Praveena Pinto, Remember – your rejected Visa resulting in ‘bhagna kanasu’ and a prolonged stay at Saudi farm is not an excuse to blame Doddanna and appa-maga bush team for everything!! The current violence and madness can be easily explained by the tribal and religious division that go all the way back to 7th century fantasy book. However, the habitual liars will always blame everything else except the real root cause for today’s madness. The rivalry between Saudi(sunni) and Iran(shia) factions and absence of democracy, human rights and individual freedom in ‘peaceful’ belt can’t be blamed on Sri… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Original R.Pai

Remember – your rejected Visa resulting in ‘bhagna kanasu’ and a prolonged stay at Saudi farm… – Original Joker – Rampu Pyarelal Rampu, oh gosh! Your fasting from sunup to sundown (for reasons best known to you) is taking its toll on you! I would have at least prescribed you some ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts) You were good enough to say that you had proof and pics of the Gold smuggling at MIA and you also acknowledged that it was thanks to the Mangalorean Customs officials. Bravo Rampa! I always knew that you had it in you to accomplish a… Read more »

B. N. Pai.
9 years ago
Reply to  Original R.Pai

Original Duplicate, what is this “Modiji and Bush-ji”? Why do you indulge in this international “Soji” business?

shaikH mOHd rizwan
9 years ago

repeating the same three line for millionth time in this forum-Atheist Mr.Original Pai Sir,Truth is always bitter.So the Modi government want’s to ‘go-slow’ on this saffron terror,so that they can remove all foot print of clandestine operation approved by Nagpur. The government is already proved good in issuing ‘clean chit’ certificate to criminals and rewarding them with promotions. The ‘Vibrant Gujarat’ is the classic example were half of the IPS officers wanted in ‘fake encounter’ is appreciated with highest positions. It is the same government languished hundreds of educated Muslim youth on false terrorism charges Maleagaon to Hubli. But Days… Read more »