Man Wearing Burqa Disguised as Woman Arrested by Cops in Kasaragod

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Man Wearing Burqa Disguised as Woman Arrested by Cops in Kasaragod

Kasaragod: Sources reveal that on Friday, November 2, while a Uroos programme was going on at Kumbla near Kasaragod-Kerala, few lady volunteers at the programme, got suspicious about the movements of a person wearing burqa and seated among the women. They immediately informed the matter to the male volunteers at the event. Quickly the male volunteers asked the female volunteers to approach this burqa wearing person and find out the truth- so the female volunteers lifted the veil from the face of this person, and to their surprise they were shocked to see the person was a man.

The arrested person has been identified as Abdul Shahid, aged 30, , a resident of Noor Manzil of Kovvalpalli, Kanhangad. Having come to know that he was in danger, Abdul Shahid tried to escape from the venue, but was chased by the people and was caught at the Kumbla Railway station area. Abdul had worn the burka over his trousers and shirt. People handed him over to the police for further investigation, and he is locked up in the police station.

In the meantime, police are also trying to find out whether Abdul has been involved in such kind of act in the past.

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