Mangalurean Caroline Flies High with Family, Granny aged 90

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Mangalurean Caroline Flies High with Family, Granny aged 90

Mangaluru: As it has been observed, Mangalureans can be found practically in every country and continent. Wherever they have been, they have carved a niche for themselves with their skills, intelligence, excellence, dedication, achievements and what have you.

Caroline D’Souza, a Mangalurean teenager living with her parents in Canada, had obtained her private pilot licence (PPL) at the age of 17 two years ago. Much as she wanted to fly her family members around, she could not accomplish her dream for long.

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At that juncture, Caroline had just graduated from high school and started the university studies the very next day of getting the licence. Then again, in 2015, since she had volunteered to go to Ecuador to help build a medical centre in the Amazon Rain Forest, the plan was held in abeyance.

It was only after the completion of her mission that Caroline could fly her dear ones around recently. Just before leaving for Worclaw in Poland as an intern to teach English at the University there for two months, she took time off to fly them in Cessna 172 from Oshawa airport, which is close to their home in Toronto. They went around Port Perry and Lake Scugog area on an enjoyable trip..

On board were her parents, Kevin and Lovina D’Souza, sister Michelle and brother Daniel, not forgetting her dear grandmother, Emilda Rodricks – who originally hailed from Puttur and now on the threshold of her nineties – who too has been living with them for many years.

Speaking to this writer, her elated mother Lovina said that they had an amazing experience flying with her. Kevin describes her as  a loving and caring person, who has shown a lot of maturity at her young age.

Caroline is a student at Western University, London, Ontario studying Non Profit Management and Global Development. Among her exclusive hobbies are saxophone and reading.

At 19, she for sure shows signs of coming out with flying colours whererever she goes and in whatever she does.

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Ravi Ramaswamy
8 years ago

Great story,,, Hope to see u back in the news as a 747 captain soon.

Lydia pinto
8 years ago

Well done Caroline

Tina Dsouza
8 years ago

Congrats Caroline, You got the entire family so proud. God Bless you.

Sharyn/Alwyn Rodricks
8 years ago

Congratulations Caroline. Very happy and proud of you and all your great achievements. Time for another interview with Radio Mango to inspire other teenagers to follow your example.
God bless and safe trip to Poland. Enjoy your teaching assignment making a difference to other peoples lives.

Alwyn & Bernadette Nazareth
8 years ago

Congratulations Caroline,
We are so proud of you and all your great achievements. Safe trip to Poland and enjoy your teaching assignment. We will wait anxiously for your return to update us on your new adventures.
God bless you and keep you safe. Love from all of us.

Lovina D
8 years ago

Richard Lasrado, You are a great writer. I loved the way you have written this story so beautifully. Thanks to Mangalurean for publishing the article.

Nelson Lewis
8 years ago

Quite an interesting story. It is a great privilege to be an aviator and, that too, at a young age before crossing the teens. My best wishes to Caroline and Richard Lasrado has penned another good piece.