Mangaluru: Mangalore Bethany Sisters Elect New Superior General and Council

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Mangaluru: The Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, better known as Bethany Sisters, indigenous to Mangalore, elected a new Superior General Sr Rose Celine, BS on February 11, 2016 during the ongoing XVI General Chapter of the Congregation, held at the Motherhouse, Bendur.


Sr Rose Celine is the 10th Superior General of Bethany Congregation which was founded in 1921 by Servant of God RFC Mascarenhas,(1875-1960), a priest of Mangalore diocese. He is the first Mangalorean to gain the privilege on being put on the path to sainthood in the church.

Sr Rose Celine succeeds Sr Wiberta, BS who successfully held the position of Superior General from March 2010. Sr Rose Celine has served as Councilor to Sr Wilberta and has creditably coordinated the Education Ministry of the Congregation. The Bethany sisters who are pioneers all over in India, in a few pockets of Africa and Europe in education, social action, medical aid, care of elders and so on will get modern direction with this step it is expected.

The Congregation also elected a team of four Councilors to the Superior General – Sr Lillis BS, Sr Shanti Priya BS, Sr Mariette BS and Sr Lilitta BS.

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Dr. Cajetan Coelho
8 years ago

God bless Sr Rose Celine and her Council members.