Mangaluru: Minister D K Shivkumar inaugurates All College Students Union

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Mangaluru: The inaugural function of All College Students Union (ACSU) and the ‘re-launch of All College Students Union logo was held at St Sebastian Platinum Jubilee Hall here, on 29 August.

Addressing the gathering, Energy Minister of Karnataka D K Shivkumar said that he loves to be a student. “I still am and always learn something new everyday. During my student days, the situation with regard to students unions was different than how it is now. There was a time when people said that students were getting into rowdyism due to unions and that they should be banned, but today students are well educated, so I hope that without getting into rowdyism and violence, you will grow as leaders of the society.

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He also said that serving the nation is not sacrifice, but it is a privilege. “Youth do not form 100% of the population, but the same youth form 100% of the nation’s future and symbolize dynamism, growth and development. Our youth need roots to grow and wings to fly; values are our roots and success, the wings.” He wished the students to become leaders of tomorrow in all fields, saying “Student leadership is essential”.

“Students union helped me to develop leadership skills and that is the reason I am where I stand today. Youth should grab opportunities and become leaders of tomorrow,” said MLC Ivan D’Souza

Speaking on the occasion, district minister in-charge Ramanath Rai said that student’s life is wonderful and student’s unions are breeding centres for leaders. “The student’s union helped me get this far in life.” Noting on how lucky they were, he said not all are privileged to go to college, only 16% go to colleges. Youth should be involved in various curricular and extra-curricular activities. “We proudly say that we are an ‘intellectual’s city’, but the happenings in our city do not speak of acts that are done by intellectuals. It is sad to see fights and enmity within colleges in the name of religion. Students should not be used to spread communal fights rather they should be taught to love all and work together without discriminating between religion, caste, creed.”

MLA J R Lobo administered the oath to the new members of ACSU and said that student life is an important aspect in one’s life and should be cherished by all. Advising the students, he said that they should have the ability to decide what is right and wrong themselves, and not be influenced by others definition of righteousness as they are the future leaders of tomorrow and will have to decide things on their own.

A cheque was handed to a family whose girl child is suffering from cancer. D K Shivkumar, President District Youth Congress Mithun Rai and Abhishek Ullal, who was selected as an Academic Council member at Mangalore University, were felicitated on the occasion. Rakhis were tied to the dignitaries on the dais. ASCU President Narendra delivered the vote of thanks.

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