Mangaluru: ‘Our Forefathers WM Technique – Compost was the Best’ – Prof. Babu Alappat-IIT Delhi.

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Mangaluru: ‘Biological degradation or waste disposal by using landfills is still the Best form of Waste Management’ said Er.Dr.Babu Alappat, Professor from IIT Delhi, addressing the Forum of Institution of Engineers IEI, Mangaluru Local Centre, Institution of Valuers, Mangaluru Branch, and Kadagu, DK & Udipi Engineers Association at Hotel Woodlands, Mangaluru.


Citing the recent conversion of Delhi as Garbage Capital, due to the Strike of ‘Safaai Karmacharis’, 9000 tons of garbage is generated per day in Delhi and the three Landfills looked like ‘Goldfinch Hotel height’ pointing to the building beside us.Using Landfills wont solve the problem because the Waste generated is huge and it takes 6 months for the waste to degenerate. Being an authority in incineration ie; burning the waste, Prof. Alappat described the various methods of waste disposal & power generation.

My grand parents use to compost , the waste , using cow dung , leaves and other bio degradable waste by composting and use it as manure after 6 months” and that is the perfect way of waste management, though they didn’t have any degree from IIT’ observed Prof.Alappat.’ Indians and Chinese had perfect understanding of waste management’ he added.

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The waste needs to be segregated before burning it. There are cases where it can be directly incinerated or burnt but, the hazard in doing that was also explained. Plastic that forms a major part of the waste needs to be segregated. PVC and Polyurethane is hazardous to be burnt, so needs segregation, but how do you segregate it?. That forms a major hurdle as the plastics are not properly monogrammed. Hospital wastes, bio medical wastes, Toys, buckets, etc cannot be burnt off hand so there has to be pre segregation.

The case of an Incinerating Equipment imported from Denmark costing Rs.25 crores was discussed. ”Having imported such an expensive equipment, not a single day of operation or utility was possible” said Prof.Alappat. The Heat Content or the Temperature required could not be met by the type of waste generated here, So the whole equipment had to be dumped. ”It is paramount to decide our local need before we go in for imported equipment which does not suit our local conditions” emphasized the learned Professor.

”The happiest and only man in the equipment failing, was me” said Prof.Alappat humorously , because he is using the advanced equipment for his Phd students to learn the intricacies and technology. ‘Waste to Energy’ was the Topic . Prof.Alappat explained with poer-point presentation, the various disposal techniques and how power could be generated from the waste to run the Plant.

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After an intense , well structured enlightening TALK , the forum was open for discussion. ‘Waste to Wealth’ should be the aim of waste disposal said Er. Subramanya. ‘ I don’t believe in Waste to Wealth’ said Prof. Alappat, ‘Its important that the huge hazardous waste is disposed with our beloved Earth in focus rather than losing focus by aiming to create wealth’ was the polite answer.

‘Our City Mangaluru will require technical expertise from World Renowned Professionals like you Prof. Alappat” said Er. Jerardin D’souza -Founder Director–Mangalore Alzheimer’s Association -MAA .Coincidentally there was a Senior Engineer whose father in law is suffering from Alzheimer’s AD, whom Jerardin empathized with and guided to the correct Doctor.

The gathering of eminent Senior Engineers was welcomed by Er.Dr.Annappa ,Hon. Secretary, IEI. Er.Dr.Shrihari presided over the Meet. Er.M.Divaker Shetty, Gen. Secretary, thanked the gathering of elite engineers.

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