Mangaluru: Youth, both girls and boys, belonging to to the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress (RTYC)-Mangaluru took out a rally to commemorate the 56th anniversary of the Tibetan People’s National Uprising Day against communist China’s repression in Tibet. Speaking to me, Phuntosk-the present president of RTYC said, “On March 10th, Tibetans around the world stand united, belonging to one nation, with a proud history of resistance. Today is an honourable day, one that is meant to remember the unity, sacrifices, aspirations and self-determination of the Tibetan people. Today, we take this opportunity to draw everyone’s attention to an important issue”.
He further said, ” Tibet’s struggle has reached a peak in terms of the ultimate sacrifices made by Tibetans inside as well as outside Tibet. Therefore, while expressing our gratitude and solidarity for the patriotism and sacrifices of Tibetans, we are raising a voice that Truth about Tibet will never die. We are confident that all Tibetans can be able to go back to host the Tibetan National flag high on the Potala Palace and can rise the the day of independence very soon”.
Tibetan Uprising Day is observed on March 10 to commemorate the 1959 Tibetan Uprising against the presence of the People’s Republic of China in Tibet, where tens of thousands of Tibetans took to the streets of Lhasa-Tibet’s Capital, rising up against China’s illegal invasion and occupation of their homeland. They surrounded the Potola Palace, the home of the Dalai Lama, to protect his life and the future of Tibetan nation. The failure of the armed rebellion ultimately resulted in a violent crackdown o Tibetan independence movements, and the flight of the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso into exile. In the following days, the Chinese army took full control of Lhasa, tens of thousand of Tibetans were killed and imprisoned in the months that followed and thousand more fled persecution by making the dangerous journey into exile in India.
“Fifty-six years later, Tibetans inside Tibet are unequivocally demonstrating that they will not be controlled by Beijing, nor can they tolerate the extreme repression they have been forced to endure for the past six decades. China’s rule has created a crisis in occupied Tibet. Repressive policies and the severe crackdown have provoked an unprecedented wave of self-immolations by Tibetan monks, nuns, teenage students, mothers with children and respected community members. At least 136 Tibetans have sacrificed their lives for freedom and happiness to be returned to Tibet. Tibetan people have suffered unimaginable hardship under Chinese rule, but have refused to give up their internationally recognized right to freedom and independence” said Pema Rinchen-past president of RTYC.
Addressing the crowd at Nehru Maidan where the procession culminated, Phuntosk-RTYC president said, “Around 1949, Communist forces began to enter north eastern Tibet and by 1950, more than 5000 Tibetan soldiers had been killed. Taking the prevailing situation in account, the Chinese government choose a policy of peaceful liberation, which led to the signing of the 17 points agreement and its annexure in 1951. However, from 1956 onwards, the ultra leftist policy of Chinese government forcibly and deliberately violated the terms of the 17 point agreement, and their heavy handed tactics increased day by day”.
“These desperate developments left the Tibetan people with no alternative but to launch the peaceful uprising on 10th March, 1959. The Chinese authorities reflected with unprecedented force that led to the killing, arrests and imprisonment of tens of thousands of Tibetans in the following months. Thereafter, Tibet is occupied by Chinese dictatorship power and Tibetans inside Tibet are brutally tortured by banning all the Human Rights and Freedoms. Over the last almost Sixty years since the Communist China’s brutal occupation of Tibet, Beijing has never changed its hard-line Policies on Tibet. This has resulted in China exploiting not only Tibet’s rich natural resources but also to kill, torture, imprisons and harass the Tibetan people continuously.:
” Since 2008 the Chinese security forces have cracked down hard on Tibetans leading to numerous death and countless tortures. Consequently, More than a hundred Tibetans have self-immolated in direct resistance to China’s occupation and its repression to demand a peaceful resolution of the Tibetan issue, return of His Holiness the Dalai lama to Tibet and to let the UN and the international community know about the Tibetan people’s aspirations and the sorrows hidden deep within their hearts. Words fall insufficient to honour their valour and sacrifices. Whenever we receive news of self-immolation, each burning individual inside Tibet stirs and enflames an individual in exile, thus becoming a great source of inspiration and a reason to pledge to do more for the cause”.
Concluding, Phuntosk seeking support from everyone said, “Since the devolution of political authority by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the current cabinet secretariat under the leadership of Sikyong Lobsang Sangay has made far reaching accomplishments in the international arena. While it makes us pleasantly proud, we remain eternally grateful to His Holiness for the successfully creating this democratic society and keeping alive the Tibetan struggle through his far-sighted vision and guidance. Tibet will be Free!”. The rally concluded with everyone singing the Indian National anthem.