Mangaluru : The Good Samaritans! Dad and Son, both Doctors Help Cure a Malaria Patient at City Hospital

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Mangaluru: There are doctors, then there are generous doctors who render their help and service to those people who are in need of treatment but can’t afford due to lack of finance. We have heard of many stories of doctors trying to help needy patients- and here is one such story that happened just recently. Kailesh Gowda, a laborer had been suffering from Malaria, and had gone weak and pale. His wife does housework at many residences in our locality, and when she told me that her husband has been terribly sick, gone very weak, and is very nervous to go to the hospital, etc etc, I immediately without wasting any time called my friend, Dr Kiran Shetty, who is a Medical superintendent at Fr Muller Hospital-Thumbay, and also whose dad Dr Bhasker Shetty is the Managing Director of City Hospital, whether he could treat a Malaria patient free of cost at City Hospital, which is run by his dad.

cityDr Bhasker Shetty- MD, City Hospital

Without any hesitation Dr Kiran said “Yes”, and instructed the the staff at the City Hospital to admit Kailesh Gowda and give him the required treatment till he recovered. And since Kailash was bit reluctant to get admitted in a hospital, Dr Kiran personally called him on his mobile and explained to him the consequences of malaria, and if he neglects without getting treatment it could be serious resulting in death. Having taking the advice very seriously from Dr Kiran, Kailesh agreed to get admitted to city hospital,, where he got treatment for four days free of cost, all because of the kind generosity of Dr Bhasker Shetty and Dr Kiran Shetty.

In the absence of any insurance coverage even under Vajpayee Arogyashree (the State government’s health insurance scheme for BPL families) Kaillash is one among many such patients who are deprived of quality health care but for this timely help from the management of City hospital he got a new lease of life- thanks to the generosity of Good Samaritans/doctors in the city. It was indeed a kind gesture of Dr Bhasker Shetty, and his two sons namely Rohan and Roshan Shetty, who are also physicians at City Hospital to visit Kailash when he undergoing treatment there.

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Speaking to Dr Kiran Shetty said, “To revive the good old doctor-patient relationship, my dad always provides such kind of help for needy patients. His main objective is to help and support poor and needy patients by providing medical treatment for their ailments. All patients who approached him were given treatment irrespective of caste, creed, religion or any kind of prejudice. He makes it a point to ensure that whosoever approached him was given treatment, and eventually made self dependent in their health to the maximum extent possible. In the absence of family support, these patients feel low. Besides providing them good treatment, we will also try to rope in some social activists who can talk to them and take care of them during their hospital stay. I am glad that me and my dad played an important role in the life of Kailesh by recovering him from Malaria disease which could have been worse if he had neglected further”.

On behalf of Kailesh Gowda, I would like to thank Dr Bhasker Shetty, Dr Kiran Shetty, Dr Roshan Shetty, Dr Rohan Shetty, other doctors, nurses and the staff of City Hospital for taking care of Kailesh. In conclusion, sound health to a person, both physically and mentally is what is primarily required to make him self dependent. Food, clothing and shelter come only next to that. If a person is healthy, he / she will be able to work and satisfy his / her needs. If a society has healthy people there will be self-dependency, and consequently there will also be less number of social problems / evils. So providing health to a person is of primary importance for a better civilized society. Thus `the healthier the society, the higher the self dependency, lesser the social problems / evils / crime, the richer in peace, prosperity and civilization.`

In a nut shell, `the income one makes either from business, from employment or from any other source, is to be shared with the sick and the poor, to make them self dependant in their health to the maximum extent possible. So in general, Selfless Service to humanity is the best work of life for a better world order`. Dr Bhasker Shetty and his family are doing a generous service towards the needy patients.Thank you, everyone at City Hospital!

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9 years ago

This is so touching. I wonder why Wenlock hospital was noy accessible by the way.