Mass Marriage at Rosario Cathedral

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Nelson Lewis
8 years ago

I read the invitation card and this is very good. It is very helpful for the needy couples to tie the knot. I wish them all the best and a very happy and contented life. I western marriages, just limited people are invited and there is a lot of fun. Hoeowever, in Indian marrages hundreds of people are invited and weddings can be noisy and disorganized. In most American weddings, there are 40 to 50 guests from both sides. However, many Americans go for civil marriages, where two to four people are required to sign the marriage certificate as witnesses.… Read more »

Ranjit D'Souza
8 years ago

Most of American marriages end up in divorces. I don’t think we should blindly follow American culture.

Nelson Lewis
8 years ago
Reply to  Ranjit D'Souza

Mr. Ranjit D’Souza, In my post I mentioned that in India, whether one can afford it or not the more the people invited for the wedding, the merrier it is. Indians has a p.c.i. of $ 1,600 but invite hundreds and thousands of people, but Americans have a p.c.i. of, I reckon, $ 30,000 but invite at the maximum 40 to 50 people. In the 1970s, a grand wedding by American stands was that of President Richard Nixon’s (of Watergate scandal fame) daughter with President Dwight Eisenhower’s grandson, because the guest list was 200. For readers who are not aware… Read more »

8 years ago

Ranjith, Enslaving wife, or husband to that matter, in the marriage is not American culture and that is one of the reasons the divorce rates are high in the US. However, those who stay married, live happy life. Marriages are personal choice and families have hands-off attitudes in USA. Age, religion, color, nationality no bar. Now a days same sex marriages are also legal in the USA. However, one has to be faithful to his/her partner — no cheating. Divorce rates are catching up in India too as women are getting educated and see the reality of life as against… Read more »

8 years ago

Adopting American attitudes towards family and marriage is crazy. There is a tendency among Mangaloreans/Indians settled in the US to blindly adopt the values of their neighbors without thinking through the implications and consequences of the values. Almost half the marriages in America end in divorce. The statistics on out of wedlock births are shocking. Among non-Hispanic blacks, the figure is highest, at 72.2 percent; for American Indians/Alaska Natives, it’s 66.9 percent; 53.5 percent for Hispanics; 29.4 percent for non-Hispanic whites; and 17.1 percent for Asians/Pacific Islanders.

Nelson Lewis
8 years ago

Mr. Ranjit D’Souza, I am very well aware that the divorce rate in America is high. This is very much catching up in India too, especially in the metropolises, cities and towns. Many Indian couples are divorcing or separating. In none-too-distant past, couples would stick around and not divorce or separate even though there was no compatibility in their marriages and life was sheer hell. This was to avoid strong social stigmas and boycotts and facing embarrassing situations from the community, society and outside world. I reckon the per capita income in America is $ 30,000 and they invite 40… Read more »

Ranjit D'Souza
8 years ago

Not sayin that all marriages in India are happy. We Indians take marriages very seriously and we believe in compromise and sacrifice for the sake of family. In Western culture people have no patience and they divorce over silly fights. What about those kids? See the disaster in American society. Millions of kids with no parents. Do you want the same problem in Catholics also? Mangalorean Catholics are blindly following american culture. Speaking English and no Konkani. Do you want to live with a person and make babies before marrying her? Don’t blindly follow. Not everything coming from West is… Read more »

Nelson Lewis
8 years ago

Mr. Ranjit D’Souza, I believe I am broad-minded, have a live-and-let-live attitude, am practical and sane and not stupid. Let me come to the point of Konkanni, since you have raised it. As regards Konkanni, in all fairness, may I correct you that it is not a language (as it does not have an indepdent script and is not widely spoken), but a dialect embraced and spoken by small sections in Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka. Knowing it is very good and I encourage it for sakes of culture and tradition and am all for it. But parents living in metropolises… Read more »