Not Smart! MCC building a Wall that Blocks Easy Path to Shops & Clinics Near Kadri

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Not Smart! MCC building a Wall that Blocks Easy Path to Shops & Clinics Near Kadri

Mangaluru: Added to many blunders created by Mangaluru City Corporation while doing developmental work of Smart City projects, but here is one project which has put many citizens, from seniors to youngsters in hardship and inconveniences. A wall recently built by MCC at Kadri, opposite to KFC has totally blocked the easy access to a commercial building which houses many shops, including clinics of five doctors, an X-ray unit, a medical shop, a vegetable shop and others.

One of the partner in the medical shop speaking to Team Mangalorean said, “Mangaluru needs development and new infrastructure, but in the same manner, when projects are planned care should be taken whether the new plan or plans put others into hardship or inconveniences. This is what has happened here, by erecting a wall without giving us any notice, has made it hard for patients coming to see their doctors in this building. They are left with no option than to take a narrow lane, also take a number of steps (going down/coming up) in order to reach their gynaecologist, orthopaedician or other physicians. We feel sad to see pregnant women and the seniors walk the steep steps/road to access the narrow path to the building, where the clinics are located. Those with bone-related problems are finding it hard to reach to the clinic in the building since the easy access was blocked by the construction of this wall”.

Dr Leo Tauro who has a clinic in the building said, “MCC told us that the wall was built as part of the developmental work under Smart City projects. However, neither the MCC officials nor our area corporator Ashok Kumar had approached us before the work started and now their bad planning has blocked the easy access to my clinic and other clinics in this building.

In the meantime, corporator Ashok Kumar D K had said that a ramp to facilitate the movement of the people between the building and the front yard will be built soon for their convenience. “This area was being developed to have an auto-rickshaw stand and a parking lot. MCC Executive engineer Lingegowda and assistant engineer Devaraj have already inspected the site, and the necessary steps will be taken soon, in making access to the building easy. Earlier there were several steps to reach the ground floor of the building. But once the ramp is constructed these steps will be reduced to just three steps. The building users stand to get benefited at government expenses. People need to have patience and bear with us till the ramp is built”.

But a not so happy elderly person, Maria R M who has to visit her orthopeadician twice a week said, “This is terrible to walk all these steps to reach the road, and also a steep road which connects a narrow passage in order to reach my doctor. Why don’t our officials think twice before they do such a silly work, putting us into inconveniences? I have to bring my daughter-in-law every time I visit my doctor, as I need someone to climb these steps now. Hope the MCC officials will do some changes to their existing plan, and provide us with a easy access to the building”.

In the meantime, the shop and clinic owners have placed some rocks as make-shift steps for stepping and climbing from the wall- but it is okay for young people to use these non-safety steps, but elderly people will have a hard time to use them. Until MCC comes up with the ramp, all those who visit this building have to face all the trouble and bear with the consequences. Until the ramp comes up, all you have to do keep your fingers crossed- it may take a few days or could be months before you would see a new Ramp. All the best- and be careful in taking the present access to the building.

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