Register Criminal Cases against Agency, Contractor and Engineers for accidents on NH 66 Due to Negligence – DC Vidya Kumari

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Register Criminal Cases against Agency, Contractor and Engineers for accidents on NH 66 Due to Negligence – DC Vidya Kumari

Udupi: Udupi district Deputy Commissioner Dr K Vidyakumari has directed the police to register criminal cases against the agency, contractor, and engineers for any accidents on NH 66 due to their negligence.

Visiting the worksite on Saturday, May 4, and later presiding over a review meeting of highways at the district office, DC Vidyakumari mentioned to the NHAI officials the complaints regarding pedestrians being forced to take long detours to avail bus service and other problems and also complaints about increased accidents and slow-moving traffic.

The agencies should erect proper signboards about traffic management at the worksite. The oncoming monsoon is set to disrupt vehicular movement at worksites further and the agencies should take all the necessary measures, she said.

On April 29, Santhekatte residents resorted to a snap protest against the alleged inconvenience being caused to students and the general public at the busy Junction following the slow execution of work. DC directed the National Highways Authority of India to provide a makeshift bridge to facilitate pedestrians crossing the under-construction grade separator at Kallianapur-Santhekatte Junction on National Highway 66 in Udupi district.

The DC directed the National Highways Division of the State Public Works Department to expeditiously launch the steel bow-arrow bridge on the Mangaluru-Mumbai Railway line of the Konkan Railway at Indrali on National Highway 169A between Udupi and Manipal. The steel girders that have arrived on the worksite should immediately be assembled and the work completed, she said.

The DC also directed the department to hasten land acquisition for widening NH 169A from Karavali Junction of NH 66 and Malpe and complete the work expeditiously.

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