Sahyadri Startup Manufactured and supplied Face Shields for COVID-19 Warriors

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Sahyadri Startup Manufactured and supplied Face Shields for COVID-19 Warriors

Mangaluru: COVID-19, the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus had an outbreak in December 2019. The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales. So to avoid this situation usage of masks has been increased, resulting in a worldwide shortage of masks and also considering that disposable masks can be used only once. Thus shortages of face masks needed to care for COVID-19 patients and reduce transmission of the novel coronavirus have inspired engineers, makers, and hobbyists around the world to develop a face shield over face masks that will help the medical staff to protect against flying respiratory droplets that can transmit coronavirus.

At DreamWorks Makerspace- A Student MakerSpace guided by startups at Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management have developed a design for the face shield with the support of the makers’ community in India such as makers asylum and fractal works.

Face shields are an urgent requirement in the nation’s fight against COVID-19 to help scale manufacturing to meet needs. We have reworked on the design from Makers Asylum and have created a modified version of it. Face shields are a key piece of equipment for front-line healthcare workers operating in close contact with COVID-19 patients. These face shields can protect a healthcare professional from exposure to droplets containing the virus expelled by patients when they cough or sneeze.

The students have supplied1000+ Face Shields in and around the hospitals in Mangalore. The basic materials we have used are● the Acrylic sheet● OHP sheet● Thread.

Sahyadri Center for Social Innovation – SCSI: Established to motivate the students in the area of social innovations and provide hands-on experience and practical exposure to solve socially relevant issues. Sahyadri believes the engineers should be mentally prepared to offer solutions to resolve those problems currently faced by the society and thereby create an ideal environment to develop a sustainable environment within the society.

Hands-on Experience Lab: Built on the lines of the “Make in India” concept where students are encouraged to pursue their ideas and innovate continuously, the lab To bridge the gap between theory and technology. It is a full-fledged 24X7 technical workspace.

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