Sullia: Fake Stamped Paper Case – Notary Keshava Bhimaguli Granted Bail at Long Last

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Sullia: The state high court has finally granted conditional bail to advocate and notary B V Keshava aka Keshava Bhimaguli from Panja in the taluk, who has been accused in the now infamous fake stamped paper case.


The case came to light a few years ago when I B Timmappayya of Manjulagiri had filed a case against him for using fake rubber stamps of various offices like sub-registrar’s office when he was trying to buy a car.

The advocate had been evading arrest for long and was trying to secure anticipatory bail. His application was rejected at all levels. He was arrested in April 2014 when he was arriving to surrender in a court in Puttur, when all doors were shut for him. Ever since he was in judicial custody.

At long last, the state high court is said to have granted him conditional bail. Senior advocate Shankappa argued his case.

Case history:



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