Two Indians killed in Kuwait blast

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downloadKuwait City, June 28 (IANS) At least two Indians were among the 27 people killed in the bombing at a Shia mosque in Kuwait City, the Indian embassy said.

Rizwan Hussain, 31, of Sultanpur and Ibne Abbas, 25, of Ambedkar Nagar were both from Uttar Pradesh, an embassy statement said.

A suicide bomber hit the mosque on Friday during noon prayers, killing 26 devotees and injuring 227 in an attack claimed by the Islamic State. The attacker also died.

The embassy has advised the Indian community in Kuwait to take precautions for its safety and security in the wake of the blast.

Over 800,000 Indians live in Kuwait, forming the second biggest expatriate community after Egyptians.

Most Indians are employed in the private sectors and are workers, technicians, engineers, doctors, chartered accountants and IT experts.

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Original R.Pai
9 years ago

Sorry to hear the loss. Two innocent guys killed for no apparent reason other than mad hatred based on some tribal fantasy. I doubt if Sharia Shaikh will ever denounce the real reason behind these killings.

shaikH mOHd rizwan
9 years ago

Once again our Mr.Original Atheist find selective in comment.

Sir, Why did you forget to send your condolence when Dylaan Roof,who shot dead nine person in a church in Charleston in America?

Why the mass media termed a ‘gunman’,lone wolf’ and ‘shooter’ instead terrorist?

Why did 56 inch Modi government asked NIA to ‘go-slow’ in saffron terror investigation?Is RSS political wing BJP afraid of investigations and want to honor ‘clean chit’?

Jai Hind

Original R.Pai
9 years ago

Once again, Sharia Pandita refuses to say anything on those ‘peaceful’ acts from yesterday!! Instead, he continues to blame everyone else!! I am surprised that he still hasn’t crossed the border to join his friends in Syria!!

9 years ago

Why the mass media termed a ‘gunman’…. – Shaikh

Mr. Sheikh,

The atrocities that are being carried out in the Levant and Nigeria tell the whole story. Can you pl. quote some new verses from somewhere which justify that? (NOT to say that stuff written somewhere or the other can justify the mayhem that is being carried out under the guise of some opiate called RELIGION?.

9 years ago

Did Dylaan Roof who shot dead nine people was a terrorist, and so was Fahd Suleiman Al Qab’aa, but here is the difference.
Dylaan killed because he was part of the white Supremist group which had no connection with religion, but Fahd Suleiman killed because he considered Shia’s as infidels which has everything to do with religion.

shaikH mOHd rizwan
9 years ago

dylaan killed because he was part of the white supremist group-Mr.Jay Sir,The rights of blacks has been deprived in decades in Arathaid South Africa and so the colonial approach towards the black skin has never changed. Read the history of Australian aboriginals or French colonialism of Haiti the systematic brutality is nothing less than Roof. The same narrative,false stories and imaginary fears of take over by ‘Blacks’ in US or the minorities in ‘India’, are responsible for increasing racism and hate crimes. Sadly, mass media is yet to learn to be responsible in this regard. So Wade Michale page, Andres… Read more »

9 years ago

Sir, you state “The rights of blacks has been deprived in decades in Arathaid [sic] South Africa and so the colonial approach towards the black skin has never changed.” I am not qualified to either defend the rights of blacks, or castigating the whites for what they have done, and what they are doing. Representing a whole race is fraught with problems. Media usually does it. Simplifying such issues is not that simple. However, did you know that about 30% of Saudi Arabia’s population (and a sizable portion of other GCC countries) is made up of the African origin people?… Read more »

9 years ago

SMR. Who ever blames an entire race or religion is 100% wrong, and in the same breath I would add that who ever covers up and refuses to speak against injustice should also be condemned. You are asking me to read history and all what happened several centures ago, but have you read Bill Durant’s book the Take over of India, this alone has left 80 million dead and counting. This is the single largest genocide in the World. In the present day you want to see what is going on, then please go to a website and you… Read more »

Original R.Pai
9 years ago

Both Manga(L) and Roy seem to be upset with Sharia Pandita simply because he had the audacity to blame their western masters as opposed to his daily ritual of blaming it all on sanaathana bhaaratha and modiji. smiles…

shaiKH moHD rizwan
9 years ago

There is much on slaves in GCC-Mr.Mangal Sir, The slavery is long before abolished in Islam by Prophet Muhammed(peace and blessing upon him). The last sermon of Prophet Muhammad which he delivered at Hajj, the annual pilgrimage made to Mecca by Muslims all over. “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every… Read more »

Original R.Pai
9 years ago

If the slavery is abolished in the old book, why are your friends with black flags are selling poor Yezidi Christian girls as slaves to other folks in today’s Syria ? Who are you fooling? Don’t try your taqiyya tricks here!!

shaiKH moHD rizwan
9 years ago

Dear readers, A typical biased treatment and subjggation by BJP ruling in India towards minority Muslims. Only Muslims and Maoists are terrorists in Maharashtra ATS calender The Maharashtra Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) has released a list of ‘wanted’ terror accused which is being condemned by Muslim organizations and right wing groups. The list has at least 13 total terror accused with their photographs. 11 Muslim youth are categorized as ‘wanted’ and two Maoists belonging to communist party of India-M. but, it doesn’t inculude any right wing accused wanted in Malegaon and other blasts. List of Right Wing terror accused who… Read more »

Original R.Pai
9 years ago

Sharia Shaikh, With all the research, you could list 7 hindu names since 2009, uh? Your ‘peaceful’ folks beat this number everyday by several points!! LOL You and your muslim mirror apologists have all the time to cry about some Suresha Naayar or Raamachandra. On the other hand, why is it that you always take the side of rats like Dawood Ibrahim and Kasab? I have never seen you denouncing Dawood or Kasab for what they did on Indian soil. Are you a secret admirer of these individuals? In fact, you have been trying really hard to establish Kasab and… Read more »

9 years ago

Thank you Mr Shaikh. Sir, in explaining about the slavery, you have given many details and names of the Europeans. I must congratulate you on your research. I have no reason to doubt any of it. But somehow you have forgotten to provide any names of the Middle Eastern Sheikhs and business-men engaged in the vast slave trade. We are all human. Many of us do good things and bad. Our leaders drive policies that affect the lives of ordinary citizens. So we have a duty to conduct research and scrutinise our leaders’ actions at all times. If the West… Read more »

9 years ago


Please see the video by a fellow Muslim and a scholar of Islam. He has written a 750 page book – Lifting the Veil, this has answers to all your questions (past, present & future)

sHAIkh mohD rizwan
9 years ago

Lifting the Veil, this has answers to all your questions( past, present & future)-Mr.Jay

Sir,The Almighty Allah has already presented us great book ‘Quran’ to the whole mankind and belief in his prophets and there teaching greatest example to be implemented in our life.

Thanks for your suggestion. For us 30 chapter of quran address the issues of past, present and future for the believers.

Hope the answer.

Jai Hind

sHAIkh mohD rizwan
9 years ago

Exceptions did exist,but few.Brother Mr.Mangal Sir,I have already address his issue once and there is no point of return wasting time. You do believe that there are some exception and black sheep in each community.We need to start recognize the good rather than digging dirt.There are many Millions working class in Middle East doing modern day slavery to support there backend meet. If one does not stand on his own foot we are all slaves of Almighty. Serve Allah . . . and do good – to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbors who are near, neighbors who are… Read more »

9 years ago

Mr. Shaikh, Sir, on the one hand you say “I had stayed in kingdom (Saudi Arabia) never felt discrimination because of my race, religion or skin colour”. Good news indeed. And then you say something that sounds just the opposite: “There are Millions working class in Middle East doing modern day slavery to support there backend meet”. Although a reader might be curious to know as to what does the backend have to do here, let us not digress. If you did not feel discriminated against, that is good news. But how can you then claim that there are millions… Read more »

9 years ago

SMR “and there teaching great example to be implemented in our lives”

Actions speak louder than words….and you shall be known as per your fruit. It is time that you’ll ask yourselves tough questions. Please read what your fellow religionist have to say in the foregoing article:

A good tree produces only good fruit, but a poisonous tree produces only poisonous fruit.

sHAIkh mohD rizwan
9 years ago

On the contrary to the questions ,there is no relation to the subject matter. Hence you disqualify from the further argument.

My early reply is suffice to answer all those questions.

Jai Hind

Original R.Pai
9 years ago

Taqiyya expert Sharia Shaikh does ‘palaayana vaada’ once again!! LOL

9 years ago
Reply to  Original R.Pai

Hello Rampa, Your Big Jokers Party seems to be courting trouble again and again. This time around, it is the students of FTTI who are striking against the appointment of some unknown called….. hang on… hang on.. cough cough… Gajendra Chauhan as Chairman. Now, what exactly are Gajju’s achievements? Playing the part of Yudhishtira in Ramayan in 1940 (or was it 1930?) The Chaddi’s put him there because he is a staunch Chaddi Party Member for more than 20 years. Hahahhaha! And then we have the flying maharajas – Kirren Rijjiju and Devu Fadnavisu who almost hijacked flights for their… Read more »

Original R.Pai
9 years ago
Reply to  Praveen

Bobby Jindal, Bill Maher, Rihanna…? Joker Praveena Pinto is randomly throwing in names here – thanks to google!! LOL This guy didn’t even know about Murudeshwara!! Now, he is trying to comment on Indian and american politics!! What a joker!!

9 years ago

Mr Shaikh states “The slavery is long before abolished in Islam by Prophet Muhammad (etc)”. One of the staunchest Islamic nations is on the southern border of Saudi Arabia. Yemen. People from the African contninet have migrated to the Arabian Peninsula and northwards since perhaps the dawn of human civilisation in those parts of the world. Habshis (Abyssinians, that is modern day Ethiopian and Eritreans), Somalis, Sudanese, as well Africans of other races have all crossed the Red Sea into Yemen, and travelled elsewhere. Many have even ended up in India. Some are called Sidhis. But their life in the… Read more »