Udupi: Fight Between Two Girls Escalates into Major Brawl

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Udupi: Fight between two girl students of separate classes belonging to Dr G Shanker First Grade College, Udupi reached the streets on February 11, with students demanding principal to react; the fight seems to be intensified.

Navya, a student of Dr G Shanker First Grade College, Udupi alleged that she had gone to final year BCom C section to speak with one Bhavya, who allegedly assaulted her while the rest of the girl students in classroom were clapping when the fight between the two girls intensified.

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Navya said that she soon filed a complaint with the Principal who assured her of taking action, but any action was yet to be taken.

The members of Karnataka Raskhana Vedike (KRV) visited the college to extend their support to Navya and protested outside the college premises to initiate action; Protest by KRV was also supported by the classmates of Navya.

The police soon intervened and asked KRV activists to disperse after warning them of stern action. KRV activists silenced their agitation and dispersed after the police intervention.

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Original R.Pai
8 years ago

This shows how most of the fights are just a silly ‘raama-dhooma’ incidents exploited by local organizations to flex their muscles for bigger influence and power. However, those who don’t know or understand these simple truths keep spinning these silly incidents as ‘moral policing’ when a minority is involved. It could be imaginary attacks on church or some silly incident involving pub!