USA: Houston Mangaloreans celebrate Christmas

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USA: Mangaloreans in Houston celebrated Christmas with a lot of enthusiasm at the Lake Shore Harbour Community Hall, Missouri City, Texas, on 25th December 2105. Gifts were placed beneath the beautifully decorated Christmas tree.

The day started with a play enacting the birth of Christ, directed by Maureen Crasta and narrated by Eric Saldanha. Thereafter all joined in the singing of carols.

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Then it was time to watch the arrival of Santa from North Pole. Santa Claus enacted by Joylus Pereira surprised the gathering with his majestic entry, greeting everyone and distributing gifts to children. Each family then took turns to get their pictures with Santa.

The gathering was divided into 3 groups to play various games and quizzes conducted by Eric Saldanha, Sheryl Machado and Gail Pereira. Teams were equally talented and were seen, trying to outshine the other till the very end.
Every family had cooked a dish and all joined together to enjoy the Mangalorean style mouthwatering food. Kuswar was distributed bringing in memories of the good old days in Mangalore.

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The day’s Master of Ceremonies was Ronnie Crasta. The party continued in dancing to the tunes in English and Konkani played by DJ Chris Pinto. Each family pooled in a gift and an entertaining game was held to distribute those gifts among the families. The day ended in a game of Housie Housie with lots of prizes.

Indeed it was a team effort were everybody contributed whole heartedly and enjoyed to their heart’s content.

Click Here for Photo Album

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Max and Jessie Rasquinha
8 years ago

Best wishes to all the Members of the Mangalorean Group in Houston. Keep up the good work. We just witnessed a great performance displayed by another Mangalorean called Joslin D’Souza in Dallas who displayed a Broadway style of Christmas Pageant with a fine young group of American singers, dancers and instrumentalists. What a fine performance indeed that awakened the American audience to appreciate the Indian professionalism and talent that displayed the Old Testament as well as the new Testament within sixty minutes with a fine stage setting. Mangaloreans have the talents and abilities. All that we need is “willingness” to… Read more »

Wilfred Rasquinha
8 years ago


Maureen Santhumayor Crasta
8 years ago

Thank you Melwyn for the great write-up. This was our first Christmas in Texas and we truly enjoyed the whole day’s festivities with family and friends. Special thanks from our family in Canada – the Alfonso family who also enjoyed the wonderful Christmas party.

Leslie Mathias
8 years ago

Hi all,

I have recently moved to Houston with my family. I would like to become a member of this mangalorean community. I can be contacted at my email or at 3467022922.

Looking forward to hearing from you and being a part of this vibrant community.


Leslie Mathias

Sheila Titus
8 years ago

Hi All:

The above pictures were great & it looks like you had a lot of fun. I had no idea that there was a Mangalorean Association in Houston. I would like to be a member along with my husband. Please send me the details at or you can call me at 713-931-1996.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards

Sheila Titus