Vadodara: Shocking! Driven by Greed for Gadgets, 13-year-old Girl Takes to Sex Trade

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Vadodara (Gujarat): It is common to come across teenagers developing a craze for gadgets and gizmos in modern times.

But a report received from here makes a shocking reading and is also something that should make many parents to sit up and take note. While on one hand, teenagers resort to petty thefts to take care of their craze for gadgets, on the other, a thirteen-year-old girl fancied a bizarre idea and took to sex trade as a short-cut to quick bucks.


What was more shocking to her mother and counsellors was the revelation that she had begun this activity about a year ago, without anyone coming to know about it all this time. Her mother runs a petty shop in Subhanpur, while the daughter got into her own channel for income, having developed an addiction for gadgets.

Her parents hailed from Anand but after adopting the girl had shifted to Vadodara. After the death of her father, the relationship between the girl and her mother had soured. Because the mother had to run the shop for the family sustenance, she could not give much attention to her daughter.

Getting into bad company, the girl wanted to buy the kind of communication gadgets which her friends had. Having no money to buy them, a year ago, she took to sex trade. She used to strike the deals over phone. In mother’s absence, she used their own house to entertain her clients.

Recently, when she developed an apprehension that she could be pregrant, she confided the matter in her mother. She took her to ‘Abhayam’ counselling centre, where it took the counsellors pretty long time to get her out of her mindset. Initially, she would not be convinced that sex trade was not only illegal but also immoral.

A large number of mobile phones and electronic gadgets were found in her possession.

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shaiKh moHd rizwan
9 years ago

Dear readers,

It is not long ago media from ‘Vibrant Gujarat’ reported Poverty drives Vadodara girl to put herself on sale on Facebook.

While PM Modi shouts loud saying “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” his own state citizens are suffering poverty abruptly.
He even took credit of Malnutrition of his states young women in to beauty Consciousness.

The 56 inch chest PM Modi ever stand to addressing the nation female foeticide, sex trade,dowry deaths etc.

Is he only address the nation on radio on ‘Man ki bat’ copying everything his buddy President Obama?

Jai Hind

9 years ago

Rizwan’s comments don’t deserve any merit. Rizwan may be one of the few fortunate ones who may be able to control his own family, but I doubt whether he has control over his extended family members. The events like this happen everywhere, in India, developed or developing countries, rich or the poor. When we cannot control our own family members, how can we expect Modi or any other superman, even with a chest measuring 100″, could control the vast number of people in a democratic and poor country like India, with divergent interests, values and ethics.

Original R.Pai
9 years ago

Sharia Panditha’s comments are in poor taste even by his low standards. It also reflects how he views women in general. Tribal influences are very clear!! Almost every bad news is blamed on Pradhaana Sevaka. However, he can’t seem to answer my simple questions on cartoons or his true loyalty to India. I know why – This is called ‘taqiyya’ technique. Smiles…