VHP and BD Stage Protest Against Prof Bhagwan for Controversial Statement on Lord Rama

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VHP and BD Stage Protest Against Prof Bhagwan for Controversial Statement on Lord Rama

Mangaluru: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal staged a protest against the controversial Statement on Lord Rama written by Prof Bhagwan and demanded his arrest in front of the DC office here on January 7. The protesters shouted slogans against the State government and Prof Bhagwan.

Addressing the protesters Madhusudhan Ayyar said, “Prof Bhagawan has written against Lord Rama and played with the sentiments of Hindus. In 1947 our country got freedom and Hindus became the Majority. But later, the government added “Secular” in the constitution. Since then the Hindus deprived of speaking against Seculars. The word Secular which was being used in western countries was brought here. Hindus are now facing problems and many intellectuals are insulting our Gods. Prof Bhagwan being born as a Hindu is insulting his own Gods. Even the CPI(M) and communists are troubling the Hindus. In the coming days, if the controversial statement by Prof Bhagwan will not be withdrawn and he will not be arrested, we will intensify our protest”.

Addressing the protesters Shivanand Mendon said, “Our country is based on faith. We worship Lord Rama as our God. This is our faith, We have not read Ramayana, nor learnt Sanskrit but we have faith. Parents are giving God’s name to their children expecting them to be God-fearing. But Prof Bhagwan is writing a controversial statement in his book. Bhagwan has written derogatory statements about Sri Rama and Mahatma Gandhi, even though he is well educated, he does not use his brains. The title of his book is “Why we don’t need Ram Mandir”? Prof Bhagwan is anti- Hindu, he also writes about Lord Rama dancing with girls, consuming liquor along with Sita and eating meat. We requested the Police commissioner to arrest him but he said that Prof Bhagwan had spoken in Mysuru. The government is not taking action against Prof Bhagwan. In Mysuru the police have taken an undertaking from, Prof Bhagwan, that he will not release any controversial statements. The government has also given police protection to Prof Bhagwan. “

Sharan Pumpwell and Vidya Mallya also spoke on the occasion.  Bhujang Kulala, Gopal Kuthar, Asha Jagadish, Punit Attavar, Guruprasad and others were also present.

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