Vinay Kumar Sorake distributes Catholic Sabha Arogya Suraksha cards

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Vinay Kumar Sorake distributes Catholic Sabha Arogya Suraksha cards

Udupi: Catholic Sabha of Udupi Pradesh under the aegis of Shirva Deanery organised the distribution of Arogya Suraksha cards and Deanery-level Annual Get Together for their members at the Saud Bhavan, Shirva on Sunday, September 24.

The event began with invoking God’s blessings through a hymn sung by the Youth Choir members led by Fr Mahesh D’Souza of Shirva Parish followed by a warm welcome by the President of Catholic Sabha, Shirva Deanery Maria Jacintha.

The grand event was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by Oscar Fernandes Rajyasabha Member, followed by the dignitaries on the dais.

Former Minister and Kaup MLA Vinaya Kumar Sorake distributed the health cards and said that it is very important to take preventive measures to protect your health. Efforts should be made especially to stop the chemicals discharged by factories and industries. Waste management is a big challenge for a healthy society. A 10-acre land has been allotted in Yelluru to set up a compost plant in Kaup Constituency. Our aim is to provide better waste management facilities to the people for a Clean and green Kaup. He said that he had initiated this project and instructed to take appropriate action to stop the discharge of wastewater into the sea or rivers so that people can live a healthy life.

Fr Denis D’Sa PRO and convener of the Health commission Udupi Diocese congratulated the Catholic Sabha Udupi for taking up various issues pertaining to the development and uplifting of the people of the diocese and congratulated them for their dedicated service.

Veronica Cornelio highlighted various achievements of the Catholic Sabha Udupi Diocese i.e. All efforts have been made to get Manipal Health Card to every member of the diocese. 90% of the people have been provided with these medical cards and most of them are utilizing and benefiting from it. In the last year, 1896 patients benefitted worth Rs 3.13 crore facilities through the Manipal Health Card.

Two achievers were felicitated on the occasion. The new Manipal Health Cards were presented to the ward leaders by Fr Denis D’Sa.

Fr Stany Tauro (Parish Priest Shirva), Fr Mahesh D’Souza (Principal, Don Bosco English Medium School), Valerian Fernandes (President Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh), Jacintha Culaco (Secretary Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh), Soloman Alvares (Treasurer, Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh), Vivian Cornelio (Convener Manipal Health Card.), Wilson Rodrigues (Member Zilla Panchayat Shirva), Michael D’Souza (Taluk Panchayat Member, Mudarangadi), Violet Baretto (Taluk Panchayat Member, Gopadi) Fr Ferdinand Fernandes (Spiritual Director), Wilson D’Souza (VP, Parish Council, Shirva Parish). Leena Machado (Secretary Parish Council, Shirva Parish) and others were present.

The vote of thanks was delivered by Gerald Rodrigues, Secretary Shirva Deanery. The entire programme was compered by Gilbert Pinto Shirva and Juliet D’Souza (Pangla).

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6 years ago

For the Health card one family of four people pays 800 to KMC and 50 for Catholic Sabha.
Total amount 850 pays.
For distributing the same, why we need the politicians. I object this.
please call any of the Doctors from Manipal University for the distribution.

Louis D'Souza
6 years ago
Reply to  Allwyn

Mr Alwyn, If you were present at the ceremony and heard the speech of the politicians you would have known why they were present there today. It was not about politics, it was about health card benefits for the public. It was not a medical camp, no need of doctors to distribute health cards. Dr Gerald Pinto has already explained to you, what Catholic Sabha is going to do with the Rs 50/- they collected. That will be used get health cards for those who are very poor and are unable to buy it.

Dr GErald PInto
6 years ago

50 rupees are distributed among Parish unit, varado and centre and money is spent only to help the people who are in need of medical help at parish , varado and central level. The programm is organised by Shirva Varado Catholic Sabha for their Annual get together . Sorake is locla MLA. Oscar is founder president of catholic Sabha. Hats up to Catholic sabha for looking after 13,000 odd families, qnd last yer 95 laks collected and amount received by memebrs is 3,2 crores. Bisides the concession for hospital visit, medicne and death benefits. Shirva varado well organised the programme… Read more »

Alwyn Quadros, Kota
6 years ago

MAHE officials were invited to this program, but due to busy schedule they were unable to attend. Totally, the program went well.

E.K.Crasto.Kannada Kudru
6 years ago

Nice well organized & timely completed program …nice lot of information covered speeches, Every year Catholic Sabha invites Mahe University people, due to their busy schedule this year they not participated physically, in spirit they were always with Catholic Sabha..helping alot.