We oppose Tipu Jayanti, SRS will Distribute one Lakh Booklets on Tipu’s Rule – Muthalik

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We oppose Tipu Jayanti, SRS will Distribute one Lakh Booklets on Tipu’s Rule – Muthalik

Mangaluru: “The state government is celebrating Tipu Jayanti from the past two years in spite of opposition. This year we are printing and distributing one lakh copies of the booklet on Tipu, on how he troubled the people and destroyed the temples. People should know who is Tipu and who was his father? We need to bring awareness of the history od Tipu Sultan to the common man?”, said the Sri Rama Sene chief Pramod Muthalik. He was speaking to mangalorean.com during his visit to Mangaluru to attend a court case on October 30.

Speaking to mangalorean.com Pramod Muthalik said, “The State government is adamant on celebrating Tipu Jayanti. We are not opposing Tipu because he is Muslim but because he had destroyed many lives and forcibly converted the people to Islam. We are against what Tipu Sultan had done during his rule. The government is celebrating Tipu Jayanti to please the Muslim community for vote bank. If the government wants to celebrate Jayanti’s of Muslims, they can celebrate Mirza Muhammad Ismail Jayanti, Shishunala Sharif Jayanti and Abdul Kalam Jayanti”.

“On November 10, Sri Rama Sene, VHP and Bajrang Dal will stage a state-wide protest against Tipu Jayanti”, Muthalik said.

Pramod Muthalik further said, “From the past four years Modi has given scam-less governance. Earlier the central ministers were involved in one or the other scams. Modi said, “I will not engage in corruption myself, nor allow others”. To get good results Modi should get one more tenure. People of this country have given 50 years to the Congress to rule and experienced the worst governance. If Modi will be given one more tenure people will know the difference. Under his leadership the country will surely prosper,” said Muthalik.

When asked about contesting the forthcoming elections, Muthalik said, “I am interested in contesting the forthcoming Assembly elections. I will contest as an independent candidate, so far I have not decided the constituency from where I will contest, but I am an aspirant for the assembly elections.”

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