Accused in Bhaskar Shetty Murder, Niranjan Bhat attempts Suicide

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Accused in Bhaskar Shetty Murder, Niranjan Bhat attempts Suicide

Updates – Police sources have informed to that Niranjan Bhat had swallowed a ring on August 7 or 8. He had surrendered to the Manipal Police and officially arrested by the police on August 8 in Nitte near Karkala.

When he was arrested Bhat revealed that he had swallowed the gold with diamond stone ring. Immediately the police rushed Bhat to the Government Hospital Ajjarkad. He was admitted to the intensive care unit of the Hospital. On August 9 morning doctors conducted a scan on him and said that he was out of danger. They were waiting for the Scan report. The Police sources also said that Niranjan Bhat will be produced before the court after he was discharged from the hospital.

Udupi: The main accused in Hotelier Bhasker Shetty’s murder, Niranjan Bhat has attempted to commit suicide at the police station here on August 9.



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Niranjan Bhat was arrested on August 8 by the Manipal police. He was supposed to be produced before the court at 11:00 am on August 9. But he attempted to commit suicide in the Manipal police station.

Niranjan Bhat who was absconding soon after the incident later surrendered before the Manipal police with the help of a High court advocate on August 7. The Manipal Police officially arrested him on August 8 evening and he was supposed to be produced before the court at 11 am on August 9.

Bhaskar Shetty’s Wife Rajeshwari and Son Navaneeth Shetty were arrested on August 6 and produced before the court on August 8. The court has remanded Rajeshwari and Navaneet to five days police custody.

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