Are you suffering from Sinus? Here are 7 Home Remedies that will soothe you

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Are you suffering from Sinus? Here are 7 Home Remedies that will soothe you

It is very important to be healthy. If you are healthy, your body is able to perform its functions efficiently. Besides, when you cultivate healthy habits, you strengthen your immune system and with a strong immune system, your body is able to keep various diseases at bay.

Sinus infection is a very common disease that is prevalent in India. Sinuses are cavities filled with air which are located on both sides of the nose. When allergens, bacterial infections, or mucus clogs the sinuses, it can cause a sinus infection. Frequent headaches, difficulty in breathing, etc., are the common symptoms of sinus. In certain rare scenarios, sinus can cause meningitis or brain fever.

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Now let’s jump back to the topic of our article.

Commonly, there are 4 types of sinus problems.

1. Acute Sinus – Generally, acute sinus lasts for a period of 4 weeks.
2. Sub-Acute Sinus – Generally, subacute sinus lasts for a period of 4 – 8 weeks.
3. Chronic Sinus – Generally, for a period of more than 8 weeks.
4. Recurring Inflammatory Sinus -Generally, recurring inflammatory sinus lasts for a period of a year.

If you have sinus, you should be very careful with your eating habits. While there are home remedies that can soothe your sinus instantly, there are some food items such as meat, fried food, starchy food, rice, strong spices etc. that can aggravate sinus.

In order to develop a shield against sinus infection, healthcare expert recommends consuming foods that are a rich source of Vitamin A.

Say a Big No
You must say a big NO to dairy products such as yoghurt, ice cream, and cheese. Say a big no to food items containing sugar, yeast, and chocolate; they activate excess mucus production in the sinuses. Stay away from cold drinks. As consumption of aerated and cold drinks can result in difficulty for the nasal mucus to pass through the nasal passages.

Home Remedies Come to the Rescue
Here are 7 home remedies for that will help calm down your sinuses from the comfort of your home.

1.Stay Hydrated
Drink lots of water and stay hydrated. In addition to that, you can have fresh juice, green/herbal tea without sugar as it will relieve the irritated sinuses by thinning out the mucus. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and caffeine as it may lead to dehydration.

2. Spice it up
Pungent spices such as cayenne pepper are loaded with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in draining out the clogged mucus. In addition to that, horseradish mixed with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar helps in breaking down the congested mucus.

3.Steamy Bliss
Nothing matches the benefit of steam for sinus. In fact, it is prescribed by ENT experts as well. Add 2-3 drops of rosemary oil with 2-3 drops of peppermint and 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil to a hot bowl of water. Sit with your face over the bowl, cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam. It will help reduce the inflammation and clearing the nasal blockage.

4. Perfect Combo of TurmericRoot and Ginger Root
Enough has been said about the benefits of turmeric and ginger. Turmeric root is a spice loaded with health benefits and is a common presence in Indian kitchens. It is rich in natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. When blended with ginger root & brewed in a hot cup of tea, it helps unclog the clogged nasal passage and relaxes the sinus instantly.

5. Magical Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a natural ingredient with plenty of health benefits. Add 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (make sure it’s raw and unfiltered) in a steaming hot cup of water and have it twice a day. It will help to relieve nasal congestion.

6. Steaming Hot Soup
Steaming hot soup is used worldwide to ease congestion. Depending on your food choices, you can have chicken soup or vegetable soup loaded with fresh herbs. While it fills you up, it unclogs the nasal congestion and helps to clear the sinuses.

7. Saline Irrigation
Saline irrigation is also known as nasal irrigation. It is a highly effective remedy for relieving nasal congestion. It is a process of gently flushing out your nasal passage with a saline solution. You can mix half teaspoon salt in half cup lukewarm water. Using a dropper, instill five drops in1 nostril and tilt your head. This will help the solution to flow out of the other nostril. Repeat this step with another nostril. It will flush away the bacteria and irritants and soothe your sinuses.

Summing it up!!!
If you have sinus, it can be very irritating. Saying no to certain food items can be difficult, but the benefits are worth it. While sinus can be treated at home, if you have severe sinus, you should consult an ENT expert.

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